Exhibition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the artist Lucy Voronova from the collection of Alexander Voronin (Moscow)
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с 28 Марта
по 30 МаяГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
The Pushkin Museum of Contemporary Art Gallery of the RT presents an exhibition of works by the famous artist Lucy Voronova from the collection of Alexander Voronin (Moscow).

The retrospective exhibition "Lucy Voronova" is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the artist. Almost the entire art history community considers Lyusya Voronova to be naive artists, while she is often called an absolutely unique phenomenon in contemporary art. The harmony and beauty of her work grows through a complex, contradictory ethical structure and retains its many lines of tension - semantic, figurative, color. “A naive artist does not mean a naive person. The creativity of Lucy Voronova is a reflection of her nature. The artist’s works, despite the apparent simplicity and conciseness, are polysyllabic, have a powerful emotional effect. Because behind them is the depth of the complex and contradictory inner world - this is recognized by almost everyone who, one way or another, is familiar with her and her work, - says collector Alexander Voronin. - I am absolutely convinced that Voronova will go down in the history of world painting. Actually, I’ve already entered. ”
And the head of the department of the latest trends of the State Russian Museum, Alexander Borovsky, believes that "the viewer… obvious naive plan of her art… What is the naivety of Lucy Voronova? Of course, in a primitive conditional form, in its typology, in the frequency of reception. In the simple-mindedness of the worldview, which is not inclined not only to conceptuality, intellectual constructions, but also to nuanced moods, psychologism, etc…. Conformity of form, repetition of reception (silhouette and even color applied as if by a roller) - this, perhaps, is the experience of applied art… The endless greenhouses of Lucy Voronova, flowers and fruits, both domestic, country, and exotic, are not so much an impression, an impression of nature, as images of happiness. Speculative, imaginary. And in this - issuing their compensating, replacing character. Similarly, her female images. Dressed up, half-naked, nude, they contain the potential of a primitive idealism, and in this regard they refer naive oil painting to the gourias and the bacchanes. But in the same way, features of disorder, dissatisfaction, appear in them, as signs of intrusion on the part of real life. In this ambivalence is the key to understanding Lucy Voronova’s art. It reaches with all its soul to an imaginary happy world of flowers, fruits, birds, beautiful and carefree women. But this speculative world is being created, this beautiful scenery, by a modern woman with all her problems and experience of a difficult life. And this cannot but be reflected in the painting. Let not directly. Even when this painting is completely serene and cloudless, we understand that this is not so much a picture of life as a dream of a paradise, a gift that the artist shares with others. ”
Also at the exhibition will be presented works of modern decorative and applied art from the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. The presented decorative and applied art is intended to emphasize the genetic relationship between the work of Lucy Voronova and applied, folk art, especially textile art.
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