Vera Petrova. Quantum forest
Automatic translate
с 5 по 15 Октября
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
In his project, the artist Vera Petorva connects the concepts of quantum mechanics, the science of cryonics for the “resurrection of people and animals” and the faith of the Yakuts in subsequent rebirths. "Quantum Forest" - a metaphor for life that exists on the border of technology and archaic, forgotten truths and latest discoveries. For the artist, time becomes a single and inextricable matter, not divided into the present, past and future. Journey to the "Quantum Forest" is a glide between rational and intuitive, a single field for sacred and scientific knowledge.
… “I grew up in a family where the traditional pagan religion Aar Aiyy and Christianity intersected. The celebration of Easter, Christmas, got along well with the feeding of the spirit of fire. Nothing disappears without a trace and everything has energy. This was very well understood by the Yakuts, they believed and still believe that Nature is alive, all objects and phenomena of nature have their spirits. Words spoken aloud or thoughts have the same power as physical actions, and sometimes stronger. In particular, this reflects the graves of shamans, which can still be found on the territory of the republic. There was a rite of Air burial. In order for the shaman to quickly get to the upper world, he was elevated above the surface of the earth, he was also given escort, most often birds, carved from wood. It was impossible to approach the burial places, so as not to disturb - to this day people bypass these places. After 100 years, relatives had to rebury the remains of the shaman in the ground. The tombs of shamans are places of power, a test of truth and a cruel judgment taking place on earth. From a practical point of view, this is due to the fact that the entire territory of Yakutia is a perennial permafrost zone, “permafrost”.
… Almost all my works have the character Rabbit. At first he appeared as if from nothing, and I could not plainly explain why he was “talking” and what, but his presence was important to me. When I was 4 years old, there were no children at all in the village where I spent the summer; and as a friend I bought a white rabbit, or rather a rabbit. 10 years ago, before the rabbit appeared in my works, I made a tattoo in the form of a solar sign of 8 rabbits, which serves as a talisman for me. I endowed my friend, avatar, observer with all the necessary qualities, namely, to create, understand, forgive, not be afraid and remember that death is not the end, but a journey into the rabbit hole. "
The postulates of quantum mechanics seem surprising, because they contradict our everyday experience. Already today, technology has come close enough to the embodiment of a quantum computer, which will turn our lives upside down just like its silicon predecessors. The laws of quantum mechanics are subject to every atom, every particle of space, planets, stars, stones, houses, and ourselves. Physical death is an integral part of our being, but this does not mean that then nothing awaits us. We continue to exist.
The exhibition runs from October 05 to October 15
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