Tolyatti took the baton of the Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition-Competition "Red Gate / Against the Current"
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On September 28, 2018, the city of Togliatti, Samara Region, took the baton of the Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition-Competition "Red Gate / Against the Current". The grand opening of a large-scale project and a press conference were held in the exhibition hall of Togliatti State University (Belorusskaya St., 14).
Organizers: Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Saratov State Art Museum named after A.N. Radishchev, “Museum of Actual Realism” (Togliatti) and Togliatti State University with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region, the Zurab Tsereteli Foundation.
The project leader and author is Academician K.V. Khudyakov, vice president of the Russian Academy of Arts, chairman of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
At the opening of the exhibition in Tolyatti took part:
delegation from the Russian Academy of Arts and TLC of Russia:
Romashko Evgeny Viktorovich - Academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, First Vice-President of the Union of Artists of Russia, Professor, Head of the Department of Academic Painting, Moscow State Art Academy named after S. G. Stroganov, People’s Artist of Russia;
Kuznetsova Svetlana Andreevna - First Deputy Chairman of the Volga Branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Vice President of the TSHR for the Volga Region, curator of the project;
Sosnovskaya Irina Petrovna - art critic, senior researcher at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, curator of regional programs in contemporary art, member of the expert council of the Russian Academy of Arts;
Machulina Diana Yuryevna - art critic, artist, curator of the experimental youth creative workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia at the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the section "The Newest Trends" of the TCA of Russia, laureate of the Presidential Award of the Russian Academy of Arts Z. Tsereteli, member of the Expert Council of the Russian Academy of Arts;
Kalinin Sergey Pavlovich - artist, laureate of the Prize of the Russian Academy of Arts im. K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, member of the TLC of Russia;
delegation from Togliatti State University:
Krishtal Mikhail Mikhailovich - rector, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences;
Kondulukov Sergey Nikitovich - Vice-Rector - Director of the Institute of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts of Togliatti State University, Honored Artist of Russia, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts;
faculty and students of TSU, the cultural community of Togliatti and Samara. The presenter of the opening is Yanovskaya Irina Borisovna, director of the Museum of Actual Realism (Togliatti), candidate of philosophical sciences, cultural scientist.
The large-scale research project is based on the methodology of the European educator and humanist of the 17th century, Jan Amos Comenius, who created the encyclopedic work “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures”. The task of the organizers of the project is to display the diversity of the surrounding world of nature and human relations through the works of artists of the beginning of the 21st century, to explore the modern art process.
In 2018, in the framework of the academic competition, works of art on 10 themes are considered: Architecture, Country and Law, Forbidden Fruit, Faith, Fashion, Housewares, Tricks, Food, Waste, Self Portrait.
The competition was attended by representatives from 16 regions of Russia, including from 13 regions of the Volga Federal District, Moscow, St. Petersburg, invited artists from the UK. A strategically important task is the study of the art process and the updating of innovative artistic practices that are based on an academic foundation.
Project Manager K.V. Khudyakov and the curatorial group considered more than 700 applications from artists (this is more than 6000 works: painting, graphics, sculpture, digital art, photography). The expert council and the jury selected more than 500 works in the catalog for this project, some of them in the traveling exhibition.
The finalists of the competition (30 artists) were identified: 6 winners of the K.S. Prizes Petrova-Vodkin, 6 Prize winners named after I.E. Repin, 8 laureates of the Prizes named after N.I. Feshin, 4 laureates of the F.V. Prize Sychkova, 6 laureates of the Prizes of the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Z.K. Tsereteli. As part of the presentation of the traveling exhibition, the presentation of diplomas of laureates and cash prizes is held.
Prizes of the contest “Against the Current” were initiated by the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Zurab Tsereteli Foundation and the “Museum of Actual Realism” (Tolyatti) in order to support talented authors. Since 2014, regional executive authorities have joined the financing of the project: K.S. Petrov-Vodkin Prizes are funded by the Government of the Saratov Region (2014, 2016, 2018), N.I. Feshin Prizes are funded by the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (2014, 2016, 2018). Prizes to them. F.V. Sychkova in 2018 established (together with the Russian Academy of Arts) and funded the Government of the Republic of Mordovia.
In 2018, laureates of personalized prizes were representatives from different regions and cities: Saratov, Volsk, Togliatti, Samara, Saransk, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow. Finalists are representatives of various creative unions: the TSH of Russia, the Moscow Union of Artists and the Union of Artists of Russia. The fact is positive, testifying to the desire to strengthen interregional ties, support artists, regardless of their "union" affiliation.
The exhibition “Red Gate / Against the Current” in Togliatti includes works by artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Izhevsk, Penza, Cheboksary, Kazan, Ufa, Samara and Togliatti. More than 100 artists submitted about 180 works.
A separate block on display is the work of the Moscow painter Vasily Shulzhenko from the collection of Vitaly Vavilin, the general sponsor and permanent partner of the Red Gate / Against the Current project, the founder of the Museum of Actual Realism in Togliatti.
12 Togliatti and 22 Samara artists participate in the exhibition project, 4 of them became laureates of the Prize named after I.E. Repin, established by the Russian Academy of Arts in conjunction with the Museum of Actual Realism Foundation. As part of the grand opening in Togliatti, Diplomas of laureates of the Prize named after I.E. Repin and cash prizes were awarded:
Kondulukova Vera Ivanovna, artist-painter, professor of the department "Painting and art education" of Togliatti State University, Honored Artist of Russia;
Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich, artist, member of the Union of Designers of Russia, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (Togliatti);
Panov Igor Gennadievich, artist-painter, professor of the department "Painting and Art Education" of Togliatti State University, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia;
Romanov Vladimir Borisovich, painter, member of the Samara branch of the Union of Artists of Russia.
On September 29, a round table was organized on the theme “Contemporary Art in the City and the Museum”, a discussion took place, during which the following issues were considered: cultural spaces in the post-industrial city; Museum Quarter in Togliatti as a meeting place for art and the urban community; innovative museum projects and relevant curatorial strategies, museum educational programs for universities and other. Presenter - I.P. Sosnovskaya. Participants: E.V. Romashko, S.A. Kuznetsova, D.Yu. Machulina, S.P. Kalinin, S.N. Kondulukov, I.B. Yanovskaya, E.V. Shleenkova et al.
As part of a creative meeting with the national artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, E.V. Romashko presented research exhibition projects “Red Gate / Against the Current” and “Picturesque Russia”, a discussion arose on the coexistence of classical art and the urgent need to update educational programs in universities and museums.
The Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts awarded the project partners with awards of the Russian Academy of Arts. For high professionalism in work and a great personal contribution to the development of modern fine art, the following were awarded with the Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts:
Yanovskaya Irina Borisovna, director of the Museum of Actual Realism (Togliatti); Kondulukov Sergey Nikitovich, painter, director of the Institute of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts of TSU, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts;
Gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts for active participation in the organization of the Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition “Red Gate / Against the Current” in Togliatti: Mikhail Krishtal, Rector of Togliatti State University; Ivanushkina Anna Vasilievna, researcher, art critic of the Museum of Actual Realism (Togliatti).
The academic project "Red Gate / Against the Current" has been praised by the professional community. They expressed confidence that the implementation of the main activities of a large-scale research project will give new development to the exhibition movement in Russia.
Terms of exhibiting in Togliatti: September 28 - October 9, 2018. Next, the exhibition project, in accordance with the itinerary, will be transferred to Saransk for exhibiting in the halls of the Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts named after S.D. Erzya. The project provides for the preparation and publication of the third volume of an art encyclopedia (more than 500 pages with research articles by leading art historians of the Russian Academy of Arts, works of contemporary artists and reproductions of the works of S.D. Erzi and F.V. Sychkov from the collection of the MRMI), master classes, Round tables on current issues of contemporary art.
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