Best films of 2014 received "Nick"
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MOSCOW. On March 31, at the Russian State Folklore Theater “Russian Song”, a solemn ceremony of presenting the national film award “Nika” took place, at which the best films of 2014 were selected. Every year, starting in 1988, the Nika Prize is awarded to paintings selected by secret ballot by members of the Nika Academy of Motion Picture Arts, which includes representatives of the cinema professions. The founder and direct art director of the Academy is the famous Russian film director Julius Gusman, and the president of the award is Andrei Konchalovsky. Winners of the award receive statuettes of the winged goddess of victory.
So, the best Russian film of 2014 according to the Niki version was the work of Alexei German Sr. "It is difficult to be God." The film also received awards in the nominations “Best Director’s Work”, “Best Actor”, played by Leonid Yarmolnik, “Best Cinematography”, “Best Costume Designer Work” and “Best Sound Engineer”. The award for "Best Actress" was awarded to Elena Lyadova, who played in the film "Leviathan" by Andrei Konchalovsky. The film "My Personal Moose" directed by Leonid Shmelkov was recognized by the film academics as "The Best Animated Film".
The award in the nomination "Best non-fiction film" was received by a member of the Non-Fiction Film Guild Andrei Osipov "Koktebel Pebbles". The short list of documentaries participating in the Niki contest also included On the Threshold of Fear, directed by Hertz Frank and Maria Kravchenko, and The Last Knight of the Empire, Sergei Debizhev.
The “Discovery of the Year” for the jury was the film “Correction Class” by Ivan Tverdovsky. Screenwriter Yuri Klepikov received a special prize from the Academy with the interpretation "For outstanding contribution to the cinema." Nahum Kleiman, creator and former director of the Museum of Cinema, received the award “For Contribution to Science, Criticism and Film Education”. Liya Akhedzhakova won the prize in the nomination “Honor and Dignity”.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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