"Buzz after buzz. Shaft behind the shaft. Blind joy entered us ..." Exhibition-performance "I am Aivazovsky" in ARTPLAY
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MOSCOW. In the ARTPLAY Design Center a multimedia exhibition "I am Aivazovsky" has opened.
Detailed information - on the official website of the exhibition:
The exhibition-performance “I am Aivazovsky”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the great marine painter, is another project of the ARTPLAY Design Center. It opened on September 8 and will complete work on December 8. The half-hour program is shown as part of a non-stop cycle. The multimedia “Aivazovsky” is a triumvirate of beautiful painting, masterpieces of classical music and word. Mikaloyus Čiurlionis, whose works by the artist Ostroumova-Lebedeva called music attached by paints to the canvas, Wagner, who preached the concept of a universal work (Gesamtkunstwerk), and Ivan Konstantinovich himself, is an artist and a self-taught violinist, could tell a lot about the magical nature of the synthesis of arts. The tracklist of the exhibition includes Una Furtiva Lagrima Donizetti, Oboe Concerto in D Minor, S. Z799, Morricone, Williams (the main musical theme of the Oscar-winning Schindler’s List) - works that create a unique, piercing atmosphere in the hall. In "Aivazovsky" for the first time and very successfully passed the "testing" of the theater component. The choice of Garmash for the role of Aivazovsky is a great success of the project. There is an illusion that in the dialogue with Lyanka Gryu, his vis-a-vis on the screen, not a famous actor improvises on a topic set by the scriptwriters, but the great artist himself, slowly unwinding the tangle of his life. Surrounded by huge screens, the visitor suddenly feels himself in the center of the sea element, recalling the Mandelstam lines about the wet wind, beating a salty veil in his face. The salty taste of the sea was once felt at the exhibition of Aivazovsky and Karl Bryullov.
For those who associate the name Aivazovsky only with the textbook “The Ninth Wave”, the revelation will be not only a huge number of paintings written by him (more than six thousand), but also his biography. The exceptional talent of Hovhannes Ayvazyan, a native of the Armenian family, whom everyone knows as Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, was obvious from the very beginning. He graduated from the Academy of Arts not according to the standard schedule, but earlier for two years. He created his “marinas,” including battle ones, mostly from memory. Another method was compared with copying or photographing wildlife, not considering this a sign of real art.
Aivazovsky’s exceptional talent in terms of visual memory was noted by Bryullov. A successful artist, caressed by honors, awards and high fees, all his life remained a patriot and guardian angel of his beloved Theodosius. Thanks to the efforts and means of Ivan Konstantinovich, a water supply system appeared in a city experiencing a huge shortage of fresh water. His merit is the construction of a railway and a major seaport in his hometown, the opening of a museum, library, art school, art gallery, bequeathed to Feodosia. On the artist’s grave are words about the immortal memory that a mortal man has earned through his selfless deeds. The exhibition also featured brothers in the genre of the great marine painter - Winslow Homer, Theodore de Gudin, William Turner. The latter called Aivazovsky a genius and dedicated a poetic panegyric to him.
The history of multimedia exhibitions in Russia, which began with the revitalization of Van Gogh’s canvases, has only three years. The public’s interest in such a format is obvious - hundreds of thousands of visitors, enthusiastic responses. The use of new technologies, without which the younger generation cannot imagine themselves, is a great way to introduce it to serious painting. Those who began to reduce their cheekbones from just the word “museum”, and the building itself cost about a kilometer, learn about the existence of great artists and think about visiting a real art gallery. Success contrary: lack of genuine artifacts and skepticism of professionals.
The multimedia exhibition, according to the chief curator of the center, Yasha Yavorskaya, allows you to examine in detail any fragments of paintings, which in reality is sometimes not possible due to the small size of the original. A convincing illustration is the previous Artplay Media exhibition “BOSCH. Revived visions. ” On the canvases of one of the geniuses of the Northern Renaissance - an abundance of characters and religious symbols that require close and thoughtful study. The guests of the creative center got such an opportunity. The implementation of complex ARTPLAY MEDIA projects dedicated to Michelangelo, the nudity of the great modernists, Bosch, was made possible thanks to the introduction of new technologies, equipping the showroom with the latest generation projectors and high-quality audio equipment to achieve perfect images on huge screens and surround sound. ARTPLAY MEDIA has proposed a unique format for spatial multimedia and performance.
Artplay is one of those creative clusters, of which there are many abroad and in large Russian cities. Suffice it to recall the Centquotre in Paris, the Kunst-Werke in Berlin, the London Old Truman Brewery in London, The Mushroom work in Newcastle, the Artmuz in St. Petersburg, the capital’s Winery. The buildings of closed industrial enterprises and abandoned buildings are transformed into creative spaces. They become a place of attraction and a materialized dream of a bright, positive, urban environment that inspires creativity, attracting many tourists. The former “Manometer” has turned into an art quarter pleasing with bright colors with dozens of design and architectural workshops, concert venues, a cinema, a bookshop, cozy cafes, galleries, dozens of shops, a children’s entertainment and educational center. Venue of the Biennale of Contemporary and Street Art.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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