Exhibition of graphics by Nadia Rusheva at the National Museum of Altai
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GORNO-ALTAISK. For the first time, lovers of the pictorial art of Gorno-Altaisk will have the opportunity to see graphic works, the author of which is the young talented artist Nadia Rusheva, who passed away early.
During her short life (Nadia lived only seventeen years), she managed to create more than ten thousand drawings, most of which are illustrations for the literary works of classic writers. The exhibition opened at the Altai National Museum on September 27th.
For older people, the exhibition with graphic works by Nadia Rusheva was a unique opportunity to plunge into nostalgic memories of a young artist who was an idol for many connoisseurs of art.
For young visitors to the exhibition, the drawings by Nadia Rusheva are an acquaintance with the world of a brilliant artist, whose talent made it possible at the age of fourteen to create a series of drawings dedicated to the heroes of Leo Tolstoy.
Two years later, Nadia Rusheva created the famous Pushkiniana, and shortly before her death, she turned to the works of Mikhail Bulgakov, creating amazing drawings with the images of the characters of The Master and Margarita.
The responses of famous artists, writers, scientists, after meeting with the work of Nadia Rusheva, were full of admiration and at the same time amazement - how did such a young girl have the ability to know the world of people who lived in different eras? This mystery of the artist’s talent remained unsolved.
Light and flexible lines of her drawings, made in various techniques, make them unique. The first exhibition of the young artist took place in 1964 with the help of the editor-in-chief of the Youth magazine, Boris Polevoy. Nadia was barely 12 years old then.
The exhibition of graphics by Nadia Rusheva in Gorno-Altaisk will be open within a month.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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