Exhibition "Bright world of animation" 0+
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с 27 Ноября
по 16 ЯнваряГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
On November 27, 2021, an exhibition of masters and students of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of the VGIK named after S. A. Gerasimov will open in the Nagornaya Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association, which is designed to demonstrate to a wide range of viewers the work of different generations of filmmakers.
The Faculty of Animation and Multimedia is the most modern faculty at VGIK, preparing professionals who are in demand at all film and television studios in the country and abroad: from directors of animation and computer graphics to specialists in creating virtual characters, scenery, special effects and post-production, supervisors, cjs and game designers.
The art of computer animation and the art of multimedia at VGIK began to be developed by teachers and students who are fluent in classical graphics, as well as all types of classical and modern animation.
The youngest faculty of VGIK has a solid history and deep traditions. Animation at VGIK has existed since 1923, since the existence of the "Experimental workshop on animation", which was created by graduates of the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS): Zenon Komisarenko, Yuri Merkulov and Nikolai Khodataev.
Subsequently, they were joined by the great master of animation Ivan Petrovich Ivanov-Vano, as well as the experimental director of Russian cinema, the inventor of a new screen language, Vladimir Mikhailovich Kobrin, who created a multi-layered three-dimensional, almost holographic image 20 years before the advent of computers.
In 1991, V.M. Kobrin, in partnership with the director and teacher Olga Sergeevna Gornostaeva, headed the first experimental workshop, which became the forerunner of the workshop for multimedia directing. Due to many difficulties, the first release of the workshop took place in 2001 under the leadership of Stanislav Mikhailovich Sokolov and Leonid Viktorovich Nosyrev.
Today, students in the learning process create multimedia works in all types of film and television - animation, documentary, game music and advertising clips, trailers, interactive games, websites. Regularly receive awards and diplomas: All-Russian Television Competition "Student TEFI", Open Russian Festival of Animated Films (Suzdal), Animated Film Festival "Open Premiere" (Norilsk), Open Festival of Student and Debut Films "Saint Anna" and others…
The exposition will feature works of art (painting), arts and crafts (dolls), student animation works (cartoons).
The exhibition aims to preserve the traditions of the modern Russian school of animation, transfer experience to a new generation of filmmakers and get acquainted with the work of young filmmakers.
Teachers of the institute will present their works:
Sokolov Stanislav Mikhailovich - Professor of VGIK, Head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Animation, Head of the Animated Film Artist workshop, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Golden Eagle Award for 2019;
Yaremenko Elena Georgievna - Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of VGIK, film director, head of the Multimedia Director workshop;
Kurchevskaya Marina Vadimovna - Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, Head of the Workshop "Animation and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of VGIK, member of the Academy of Cinematic Arts "Nika";
Melik-Sarkisyan Arkady Perchevich - Associate Professor, Production Designer of Animated Films, Head of the Workshop "Animation and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography;
Zuikov Vladimir Nikolaevich (1935-2021) - taught at the Department of Directing Animated Films, Soviet and Russian production designer and animator, graphic artist, illustrator. Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation. The author of the cartoon image of Winnie the Pooh;
Ilyina Tatyana Nikitichna - Professor of VGIK, head of the workshop "Animation and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of VGIK, member of the Union of Cinematographers, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, 1st Prize in the nomination "Best Animated Film for the picture" Ku! Kin-dza-dza ”in Australia APSA (Asia Pacific Screen Awards);
Monetov Viktor Martynovich - Associate Professor, Head of the Workshop "Animation and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography;
Pozhidaev Leonid Gennadievich - Associate Professor, Production Designer of Animated Films, Head of the Workshop "Animation and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation;
Latsis Normund Gunarovich - associate professor, graphic artist, film director, head of the Multimedia Director workshop.
The curators of the exhibition are Stanislav Mikhailovich Sokolov, Eduard Mikhailovich Lyushin.
Within the framework of the exhibition, curatorial excursions and master classes from teachers of VGIK, screenings of the program of animated films by VGIK students "Animation for Children" will be held.
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