Exhibition by Anastasia Savinyh "Flickers of Non-Evening Light. Traveling along the Black Sea Coast"
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Творческий Союз художников России
с 2 по 16 Декабря
Выставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15

“God is the true and distinctive Light with which the whole world He created lives. Man only refracts this Divine light within himself and, to the best of his talents, he himself shines with the reflected heavenly light. ”
hierom. Simon of Athos
“Anastasia Savinykh is an artist and painter, a participant in many art exhibitions both in our country and abroad. Here are the works performed in the last five years during trips along the Black Sea coast of Crimea and Abkhazia. Landscape is a favorite genre in the artist’s art. She feels the state of nature well, she manages to convey the pure, bright color of the southern landscape. Her works are distinguished by an integral vision of nature, a sense of mood in the landscape. Anastasia carefully composes the chosen motive, successfully and confidently works out the spatial structure of the image: this is a difficult task, but also very interesting, captivating the artist. She manages to feel and convey the subtle, inherent only to this motive flavor, lighting, nature of the landscape. Anastasia is an attentive, sincere artist, in love with art. ”
Yu.I. Chuvashev professor, Ph.D.
“Each artist has something that inspires him in his work. For me, this is the sea, mountains, southern forest or park, where there are a beautiful variety of trees. Immediately there is a surge of strength and creative mood. In painting, the main color and light for me. I do not like to accurately copy nature. When I work in the open air, I see the whole world around me transformed, filled with light and love. In my works I strive for luminosity. ”
artist Anastasia Savinykh
Anastasia Savinykh was born in 1969 in a family of icon painters. Parents from childhood instilled in her a love of art. In 1989 she graduated from the MAHU named after 1905. For many years she was engaged in the restoration of Old Russian painting. Member of the painting sections of the Ministry of Agriculture and TSHR. A regular participant in the Christmas and summer exhibitions of the Moscow Union of Artists on Begovaya and the Ministry of Agriculture on Tverskaya-Yamskaya, the Creative Media Club in the Central House of Artists. Participant of the projects Art-Geography, Art-Portrait, diploma holder of Art Weeks in Italy. Exhibitor at the Palazzo Priuli Bon in Italy, Venice. Participant of TSHR exhibition projects: ARS LONGA, Art Today, “ABOUT MOSCOW with Love”, “Magic Mosaic of Winter”. The artist works a lot in pastel technique, participates in the Moscow Pastel exhibition on the Kuznetsk bridge.
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