Exhibition "2019 - 500th Anniversary of the Heritage of Leonardo da Vinci" (6+)
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с 19 Февраля
по 7 АпреляГалерея “Беляево”
ул.Профсоюзная, 100
In 2019, marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of the great genius of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci. The master’s vast cultural heritage has been preserved in the form of 6,000 manuscripts and paintings.
Russian masters took several years to study and revise the drawings of the famous scientist. This allowed with incredible accuracy to recreate those machines that were once invented by Leonardo da Vinci.
A feature of the exhibition is its interactivity: you can not only look at the exhibits, but also touch them. Visitors, having experienced medieval machines and mechanisms, will be able to delve into the study of the laws of physics and mechanics that Leonardo da Vinci was so interested in.
The exhibition will include more than fifty different mechanisms - from simple devices to complex aircraft and machines. All exhibits are accompanied by special explanatory texts, so visitors can travel through the halls on their own. At the exhibition of inventions by Leonardo da Vinci, you can take photos and shoot videos.
Dates: February 19 - April 7
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11: 00 – 20: 00
Cost: 500 rub. (250 rubles. - discount ticket)
Group visits to the exhibition by appointment. Special conditions for school groups from 15 people Record: +7 (916) 238-44-13, Oleg.
Individual tour for a group of schoolchildren on weekdays - 2000 rubles.
Upon presentation of a Muscovite social card or Moskvenok card, pupils of Moscow schools are given the right to free admission. In the absence of a card, the cost of an admission ticket for a student is 250 rubles. One accompanying group is free.
On weekends, free guided tours of the exhibition will be held, the cost of the tour is included in the ticket price (you must purchase an entrance ticket).
What you can: watch and touch the exhibits with your hands! To study and put into action! Watch how everything works, and even ride the elevator of the Renaissance! Take photos and videos - completely free!
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