Claude Debussy
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27 Сентября
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
For the 155th birthday of the composer, the artists of the Petersburg Concert prepared a program composed of his best piano and vocal compositions.
Debates about the "impressionistic" music of Debussy have not ceased for more than a century. He himself did not completely agree that his work was akin to the picturesque impressions of the current trend at that time - fast, momentary. All the music written by Debussy is incredibly deep, multi-layered and soulful. In our concert, Debussy’s piano compositions such as The Children’s Corner, Preludes What the West Wind Saw, Wind on the Plain, Girl with Flaxen Hair, and others will be heard.
laureate of the international competition Dmitry Barbashin (piano)
laureate of the international competition Victoria Rebenko (soprano)
Before the concert, everyone can walk through the enfilade of the front halls of the House of Kochneva and listen to an excursion about the history of the mansion.
Excursion to the Kochneva House at 18 o’clock
Beginning at 19 hours.
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