Diana Mayorova. The exhibition "... on the battlefield of the debate of the mind"
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с 5 по 17 Декабря
Выставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15

"To the share of the human mind, in
one of the types of his knowledge, a strange
fate: he is besieged by questions from which he does not
may evade, as they are imposed on him by him
own nature; but at the same time he is not
can answer them since they are superior
all its features. As a result, the mind
plunges into darkness and falls into contradictions. "
Immanuel Kant
From the author:
On my "Field" two questions enter the battle. What is more real - a dream in which strange, absurd stories occur with symbols encrypted in them, but sometimes already familiar, foreshadowing, sometimes screaming upcoming events, or clarifying my current state? Or an unpredictable and incomprehensible, sometimes seeming and impossible real life, repeating, sometimes exactly, dream scenarios?
My work is observing and exploring myself through the prism of dreams that come true in reality, something inexplicable, frightening with its alienness. Creative energy rushes between immersion in the world of imagination and reflection, and life overflowing with subjective mental content.
On this “battlefield” of reasoning in a dream and in reality, as a documentary, unable to influence life events, an irresistible desire to capture what is happening in all these states of being is manifested. A dream, with an absurd beginning and logical end, not letting go of the mind for a long, long time after awakening. His conflicting images, imprinted in memory, with sketches on paper, begin to unfold and clarify the understanding of the meaning of what was experienced in both of my realities. True, more and more new questions arise.
The process of creating works in real material is a therapy, the purpose of which is to facilitate, an attempt by installation, art, sculptural and poetic reasoning to put together a picture, put something in place. Just to know: what, why and for what?
Mayorova Diana Anatolyevna
Studied at the children’s art studio in Riga
Graduated from the South Russian Humanitarian Institute (Rostov-on-Don), faculty - Design and Art.
Since 2001 worked in the specialty (graphic designer)
S2006 Engaged in the development and design of interiors
Since 2010 I was fond of creating interior items, art objects and an author’s doll
Since 2013 Designer-decorator of the exhibition space at the State Exhibition Hall
Since 2013 Member of the Union of Artists of the World
Since 2015 Member of the Creative Union of Artists (Tetra Art section)
2000 “Design 2000” (Rostov-on-Don) - Diploma “For Creativity”
2002 “Design from A to Z” (Rostov-on-Don), Diploma in the nomination “Complex equipment” - a series of color monotypes
2002 Exhibition of the competition of young artists of the Don (Rostov-on-Don)
2002 IV Festival of Russian Design at Cavminvodov “FERODIZ - 2002”
Laureate Diploma and Medal
Category "Best Student Work", nomination "Art Design" - a series of mirrors
2010 4th Moscow International Puppet Show “MoskowFair”
Winner in the nomination “Composition”
2010.I Moscow International Exhibition in the Manege "The Art of Dolls"
2011.V Anniversary Moscow International Art Festival "Traditions and Contemporaneity" CEH "Manege"
2011 V Moscow International Puppet Show “MoskowFair”
Winner in the "Game of imagination"
2011.II Moscow International Exhibition in the Manege "Art of the DOLL" Winner in the category "Special Jury Prize"
2011. Personal exhibition. GZV "NaKashirke"
Laureate of the contest “The Best Work of 2011”
Nomination “Author’s doll” 1st place
2011. Joint participation with the State Concern "NaKashirke" in the 1st international
exhibition - fair "BUMPROM"
2012. Participation in the action Night at the Museum "On Kashirka" in the style of "Jumping" 2012
2012 VI Moscow International Art Festival "Traditions and Contemporaneity" CEH "Manege". Special Jury Applause Award
2012 VIIFair of graphic arts in the New Manege "Hudgraf" 2012
Laureate Diploma of the Competition “The Best Work of 2012”, nomination “Event”, exhibition and exhibition project of the NaKashirke Gallery
2013 The participation of copyright in the filming of the documentary about Leah Akhedzhakova “Charisma of courage”.
2013. Participation in the action Night at the Museum "NaKashirke" "Mystical Night"
2013.VII Moscow International Festival of Arts "Traditions and Contemporaneity" CEH "Manege". Winner in the nomination "For the unconventional use of well-known materials"
2013. International exhibition project "Identification of I, WE, THEY…"
Museum of folk graphics.
2014 The final exhibition of the Orange Kingdom International Photo Contest
Diploma for exhibition space design
2014 RUSSIANARTWEEK International Sculpture Competition.
(sculpture of small forms) 1st and 3rd place
2014 Participation in the project "Inomerism" gallery "NaKashirke"
2015 Participation in the exhibition "Forum of book graphics" gallery "NaKashirke"
- At the premiere performance of "Contemporary" "Game of Gin" did not get everyone
- Actress "Contemporary" Leah Akhedzhakova refused anniversary celebrations
- Personal exhibition of Galina Gomzina. Watercolor.
- New entities
- Successful production of Rimas Tuminas at the Bolshoi Theater