Graphic designer, job for an artist today
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In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a simple artist, in the traditional sense of the word, to apply his skills and realize his talent: paintings are bought less often, interiors are more often decorated using materials from specialized stores, souvenirs are factory painted. But all of the above does not mean that the need for artists disappears. On the contrary, it is increasing every day; the artist’s work has simply moved to a different plane. The brush was replaced by the mouse, the canvas became a monitor, and artists evolved into graphic designers. What kind of mythical creatures are these?
The name itself contains the answer: a graphic designer is a person who designs something through the use of graphic editors. The field of activity of a graphic designer is vast. The result of his work are signs, billboards, posters, posters, signs, indexes, diagrams, books, magazines, newspapers, booklets, menus, business cards, websites, etc.
A modern artist-designer has in his arsenal not only paints and brushes, but also a computer, a graphics tablet, and various programs for creativity.
It is necessary to consider in more detail the areas of activity of a graphic designer, and also note their features.
Spatial graphic design
People encounter it every day and everywhere. This direction involves the creation of signs and indicators found on the streets, in shopping and business centers. Even signs with positions and names are elements of spatial design. The main objectives of this type are information content and understandability. When looking at a sign or sign, a person should understand what it means, without unnecessary speculation.
Branding or creating a corporate identity
In conditions of fierce market competition, each enterprise requires its own corporate identity, which will allow consumers to easily distinguish it and set it apart from others. This category includes the creation of branded product packaging, development of corporate colors and corporate symbols/trademark. Among other things, the designer may need guidance on how to use colors and branding correctly. For example, should color be used not only on the company website, but also in the uniform of employees. In this direction, the main thing is recognition. When a consumer looks at colors or a brand, they should immediately understand who they belong to.
Font design
A specific type of design is font design. The specificity is that it is quite difficult to develop an innovation in fonts, since there are a huge number of them. But despite this, designers continue to successfully cope with the task. The main thing here is readability and originality.
Advertising design
Who hasn’t heard of this type of design? Advertising creators must, through visual influence, influence the consumer’s desire to purchase a product or use a service. To do this, they work with marketers who research consumer sentiment, market trends and look for effective solutions for booklets, catalogs, advertising banners and billboards. Unlike a brand, where recognition is important, advertising must be memorable and associative with the product or service that is offered.
Print design
Printed publications include books, magazines, and newspapers. It would seem that posters, booklets, and leaflets are also printed. But there is a fundamental difference in the work of a designer for “one-pagers” and large print publications. A designer of books and periodicals works not only on creating graphic elements, but also ensures that the integrity of the object is maintained: cover, font size, placement of pictures, visual elements, layout grid, general style of the publication - all in the same style. The motto of this direction is uniqueness - either a separate publication, or a series, or a cycle of publications.
Web design
Perhaps the most popular direction of graphic design today. The result of the work is also familiar to everyone - an Internet site, and along the way also contextual advertising and banners. However, it is necessary to refute a common mistake of ordinary people: a web designer does not create websites, a web programmer does this. The designer is responsible only for the graphic design of pages and elements, and the programmer already sets the code for the necessary elements. As an element, or perhaps as a separate direction, we can highlight the design of mobile applications, which are actively conquering users’ smartphones and tablets. In web design, the result must meet requirements such as intuitiveness, attractiveness and ease of use.
It is important to note that when becoming a graphic designer, you do not have to focus on one narrow field. A designer can work in several directions at once, thereby diversifying his activities.
Who needs graphic designers? The areas of activity are also not limited, nor are the directions. In addition to design, advertising, and publishing companies, the position of graphic designer is provided both in large holdings and in the public sector (perhaps only under a different name). Moreover, as in the case of directions, a graphic designer can easily combine work in several offices or even choose the path of a freelancer, build a reputation for himself and work on his own chosen orders.
The advantage is the optional attachment to the workplace. A laptop and wi-fi will allow you to work both at home and in any cafe, and if the designer also has a mobile phone, then he will always be able to contact the customer to clarify details.
It sounds extremely tempting, but to become a graphic designer, you need to possess qualities such as perseverance, good memory, attention to detail and creative thinking. You also need to be able to draw in the traditional sense, be familiar with the history of art, have first-hand knowledge of modern trends, and also be able to professionally use graphic editors.
If you feel a craving for this type of activity, then getting an education as a graphic designer is now publicly available. This is taught both in higher educational institutions and in specialized courses.
Wherever the training takes place, do not forget that no one can teach as a person can learn on his own. So everything is entirely in the hands of the student who wants to become a graphic designer.
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