Museum them. For the first time in Irkutsk, Sukacheva presents the work of the Yakut artist Kirill Gavriliev
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IRKUTSK. “Archetypes. Infinity. Time ”- under this name, the Yakut artist Kirill Gavriliev presented to the public a personal exhibition that opened on February 3 at the Siberian Art Gallery of the Museum named after Sukachev. Irkutsk art lovers saw the work of Kirill Gavriliev for the first time.
According to established tradition, on the opening day of the exhibition, visitors were not required to purchase entrance tickets. Everyone was invited to the Gallery to plunge into the world of culture of the Yakut people, which has a rich history and mythology. Of the fifty works presented on display, most were kept in the personal collection of Kirill Gavriliev, from which the artist selected the most interesting painting and graphics.
Six works were presented for display at the exhibition by the National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha from their collections. The works on display belong to different periods of the work of Kirill Gavriliev. The earliest of them was written in 1989. The artist called this picture "Reindeer."
According to the submitted works of Cyril Gavriliev, one can see how deep his connection with his people is. The artist uses Yakut myths, historical facts. Even cave paintings become a source of inspiration for him.
Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, the deputy director of the museum Tatyana Ogorodnikova noted that throughout all the decades of Kirill Gavriliev’s work, one can see in his works his deep connection with his ancestors. Even portraits painted by the artist reflect the history of the Yakut people.
His paintings contain a deep philosophical meaning. To see and understand it, you need to carefully look at and reflect on them.
This can be done until February 26.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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