"Classics of the twentieth century" in the art museum of Irkutsk
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IRKUTSK. An exhibition of works by famous artists, creators of the main trends of modernism, has opened in the art museum of Irkutsk. On the poster of the exhibition is a laconic text: “Classics of the 20th Century”, and then the names known around the world - Picasso, Kandinsky, Juan Miro. They lived and worked, knowing for sure that life can only be changed with the help of art.
These artists were the first to write their works, thanks to which such painting styles as abstractionism, surrealism, cubism and fomism appeared. Initially appearing in the walls of exhibition halls, modernism had a tremendous impact on architecture, design, and even fashion, becoming a symbol of an era in art.
The creation of this unique exhibition was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the regional Ministry of Culture, employees of the Art Museum. Sukachev and the Krasnoyarsk company Gallery Trade. All works were acquired abroad by Krasnoyarsk investors, especially for display to Russian art lovers. The first exhibition to be seen in Siberia.
The exhibition presents works of art, covering a significant part of the twentieth century. The oldest works of masters date back to 10 years, and closer to the present are works made in the 70s, when their authors were still alive and continued to work.
Each of the artists, whose names are presented on the poster of the exhibition, worked in different types and techniques of art. Among their works are painting and graphics. Thanks to the creation by the masters of lithographs produced in a certain circulation, it became possible to organize exhibitions introducing visitors to the work style of artists of world renown. Acquaintance of Irkutsk residents with the works of masters will continue until May 25th.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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