Interesting facts about castles according to Travel blog Elena Volkova
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1. The fortress of Mont Saint-Michel, located off the coast of Normandy (France), can be reached on foot at low tide, but at high tide the castle becomes an island. It is the only place in Normandy that never came under British control during the 100 Years War. The fortress also served as a church and prison.
2. There is a castle in the Czech Republic, the moat of which is filled with bears. It is called "Bear’s Moat". For the first time these wild animals settled in it in 1707.
3. Stone castles were very effective against Mongol raids. Their troops suffered heavy losses while trying to penetrate the fortress. However, the Mongols never managed to capture a single castle during their invasions of Hungary.
4. Dover Castle - the largest castle in England. It has over 3 miles of secret tunnels deep in the rocks. Many of these tunnels have not yet been discovered.
5. In medieval castles, flights of stairs went clockwise, so the attackers who climbed the stairs held their weapons (in their right hand) on the inside of the rounded wall, which prevented them from freely swinging their swords. The defenders had their swords on the outside of the wall, giving them more room to swing.
6. Edinburgh Castle is so ancient that by the time it was first mentioned in literature, its foundation was already shrouded in myths and legends.
7. Loopholes (loopholes) were small holes in the walls of the castle, which were used by archers to fire at opponents. The modern use of the term signifies an apparent discrepancy between the intention to create an unapproachable system and the presence of small loopholes in it that would allow defenders to gain an advantage.
8. Dong Castle, which was used for the filming of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, was also featured in Game of Thrones.
9. There is a castle in Colorado known as Bishop’s Castle. It was built entirely by one person.
10. Not far from Washington, a Virginia man built a castle on his own to protect himself in the event of a nuclear Armageddon. The vault has three heating systems and is dotted with a labyrinth of underground pipelines. It was also used as a meeting place by a group of self-proclaimed vampires.
11. One Japanese castle has a floor covering that makes a chirp-like creak when walking on it. This was done so that no one could slip by unnoticed.
12. Japan moved a 400-year-old castle 230 feet to fix its foundation. Engineers plan to move the structure back in 2021.
13. Cinderella’s Castle at Magic Kingdom Park uses a special trick known as forced perspective. This technology creates the optical illusion that the castle is much larger than it actually is.
14. The main purpose of creating the fortress ditches was to protect from tunnel undermining under the walls of the castle.
15. The most bizarre battle of the Second World War is considered to be the battle for Itter Castle. This is the only battle in the entire war that the Americans and Germans fought as allies.
16. On the American continent there is a real medieval castle known as "Fortaleza Ozama". It is located in the Dominican Republic. The fortress was built by the Spaniards in 1502. Instagram story Elena Volkova had a whole story about this castle.

17. Castle Gouska was erected over a huge hole in the ground, which supposedly was the "gateway to the underworld." According to legend, when construction began on the castle, all prisoners sentenced to death were promised a pardon if they agreed to go down the rope into this pit.
18. HG Holmes had a murder castle near Chicago. He personally designed it as the most convenient building for committing murders. The structure included labyrinths, torture chambers, and rooms with vats of acid for disposing of bodies. Holmes killed many people in his castle, including his own pregnant wife.
19. In 1643 a castle in England was attacked by several hundred people. The fortress was defended by only five people, two of whom were soon killed, while the attackers suffered losses of at least 100 people.
20. The surname of the British royal family Windsor is actually borrowed from Windsor Castle, and not vice versa.
21. Every winter, an ice castle is erected in the Canadian province of Quebec. It is often used for short-term imprisonment of people who were considered too gloomy and gloomy by the organizers and visitors of the carnival.
22. The Bavarian King Ludwig II ordered the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle and paid for it with his own funds. It was erected in honor of Richard Wagner, but the king spent only 172 days in it. After his death, Neuschwanstein was opened to the public. This castle also served as the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland.
23. Franz Helm for attacking castles in the 1600s suggested using cats with warheads attached to them.
24. At Cairfilly Castle in the UK, there is a tower that tilts at an even greater angle than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
25. The walls of most of the castles were neatly lined with stones only along the edges, while in the middle a special mortar and stones were used.
26. During Saladin’s siege of the castle in Kerak, the Crusaders and the sultan’s troops besieging them reached an agreement that Saladin’s siege engines would not attack one particular castle tower in which the wedding was taking place.
27. Dumbarton Castle is the oldest fully fortified site in the British Isles, where people have lived since at least the Iron Age. The fortress was besieged by the Vikings, it was used as a prison, military base, housing for the royal family. A castle was built on a volcanic cork.
28. Edward Lidskalnyn built the Coral Castle on his own from 1,100 tons of personally harvested coral. In 1936, he moved it 10 miles north with the help of a single truck driver. When asked how he did it, Edward replied, "I understand the law of leverage, and I know the secrets of the people who built the pyramids."
29. Powys Castle in England houses more Mughal artifacts than anywhere else in India. Even in the National Museum in Delhi, you cannot find so many exhibits.
30. The Louvre was formerly a medieval castle, its foundations can be seen today.
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