Where can I relax in Russia inexpensively?
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Fortunately, Russia is generous with its natural resources and climatic conditions, and there are many places in it that will bring you the joy of visiting them, while spending a small amount so that it does not hit hard on the budget.

I think every second of you has asked that question.
How to relax comfortably, while spending a small amount so as not to hit hard on the budget.
I’ll tell you you can relax in Russia inexpensively, quite comfortably and have a wonderful vacation.
To do this, first ask yourself a couple of questions:
- What budget do I count on?
- where, in what place I want to spend my vacation.
Based on the answers, you can understand where you can go.
Fortunately, Russia is generous with its natural resources and climatic conditions, and there are many places in it that will bring you the joy of visiting them.
Let’s look at summer vacations, because soon it will be vacation time, most of which fall in the warm season of the year - summer.
First of all, this is a beach holiday. Of course, on a warm sea, a clean snow-white beach it is very pleasant to spend your vacation. Children need sea air in general to raise and strengthen the immune system. Here, the sea coasts of the Krasnodar Territory are very popular. The Sea of Azov is a budget, inexpensive option for families with children. Here you can rent a house at a very reasonable price, and if you cook on your own, and not eat in a cafe, you will save additional money and you can spend it on entertainment or, for example, nice souvenirs for yourself and loved ones.
The Krasnodar Territory is a rather large territory of Russia, so the choice of places for recreation is very diverse. I think you will like this place and you will want to come back here next year.
Of no small popularity is a holiday by the Baltic Sea. These are Zelenogradsk and Svetlogorsk in the Kaliningrad region. There is a favorable climate for the treatment of various diseases, especially those associated with the respiratory system and rehabilitation. The Baltic Sea is not too hot, so here you can easily go through acclimatization.
If you are not a lover of beach holidays, but love the mountains, then welcome to Crimea and the Caucasus mountains. This type of recreation is more extreme, it requires good health and sustainable nature, because many tourist routes are connected with mountains, ascents and descents, crossings through mountain rivers and overnights not in comfortable hotels, but in tourist tents. If this does not scare you, or you want to try this type of relaxation, as they say "welcome."
The Caucasus , the splendor of the Caucasus mountains, which can be compared with them. An unforgettable experience! To conquer Elbrus, the dream of every tourist. Maybe he will submit to you? As the saying goes: "You will not try, you will not know." Therefore, I wish you to try this type of vacation: it is quite budgetary, given that you will not rent housing, but live in a tent. Camping equipment, tent, backpacks can also be purchased on a budget option, for example, rent, or buy on the classifieds website.
This is one of the types of inexpensive holidays in Russia. Make your choice and travel with pleasure.
Ekaterina from poraduge.ru
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