Exhibition "Artists of the School of Watercolor. Painting, Graphics"
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с 24 Января
по 17 ФевраляМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17

From January 24 to February 17 in the museum and exhibition complex of the School of Watercolors, Sergei Andriyaka, an exhibition of artists and teachers "Artists of the School of Watercolor. Painting, graphics. "
The team of teachers at the School of Watercolors includes talented artists in demand in Russia and abroad, participants in domestic and foreign exhibitions. It is worth noting that the teachers of the School are former students of Sergei Andriyaka and his current associates, among whom you can find famous names in watercolor painting: Natalya Besednova, Olga Volokitina, Elena Mironova,
Alexander Volkov, Sergey Kotov, Sergey Chernyshev and many others. They revived an amazing and diverse world, an almost forgotten technique of classical multilayer watercolors, with its inexhaustible pictorial possibilities.
Each of them is a real find in modern painting, which has its own unique style and author’s style! The canvases of the School’s artists fascinate with their genuine beauty of the fine art of watercolor painting. The exhibition presents the best works of different genres: landscapes, still lifes, portraits, interiors and much more.
The watercolor school of Sergei Andriyaka with a museum and exhibition complex was opened in 1999 with the support of the Moscow Government. The head of this educational institution was the People’s Artist of Russia, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts – Sergey Nikolayevich Andriyaka.
- Exhibition "Artists of the School and the Academy of Watercolor. Painting, Graphics"
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- The 15th exhibition of artists and educators has opened at the Andriyaka School of Watercolor