Exhibition "Artists of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolors"
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с 11 Сентября
по 3 ОктябряМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17

From September 11 to October 3, 2021, the exhibition "Artists of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolors" will be held in the museum and exhibition complex of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolors.
This exhibition is a creative report of a collective of artist-teachers, most of whom have been working at the School since its foundation, over the past academic year. The exhibition will be rich in a variety of techniques for performing works: multi-layer watercolor painting, etching, oil painting, pencil drawing and other graphic art techniques.
The creativity of the teachers of the School of Watercolor painting arouses well-deserved interest among viewers and connoisseurs of classical watercolor painting. Each of them is an established creative personality with a pronounced individuality. Their exhibitions are held with constant success in museums and exhibition halls in Moscow, other cities of Russia and abroad.
Many artists of the School of Watercolors found their creative individuality precisely during the period of their pedagogical activity. “Teaching others, teaching yourself” - this phrase best describes the exhibition, which proves that teaching is not only not a hindrance, but on the contrary - it helps the creative development of the artist.
The exposition demonstrates the diversity of creativity of the teaching staff of the School of Watercolor painting and will allow to appreciate the high level of skill, which continues to grow every year.
Free admission!
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