Exhibition Vasily Khudyakova "Russian landscape"
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с 1 Августа
по 15 СентябряМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17
On August 1, 2019, the personal exhibition of the Russian artist Vasily Khudyakov opens at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Watercolor School Sergei Andriyaka.

Vasily Leonidovich Khudyakov graduate of the Russian Academy of Painting of Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Since 2010, has been actively participating in all-Russian and international exhibitions, including the Festival of Russian Art in Cannes, the 7th International Exhibition of Young Artists, the International Festival of Fine Arts "Moscow - the City of the World", etc. Vasily Khudyakov is a participant in all-Russian open airs and creative travel.
The exhibition presents the magnificent works of the young master, made in the genre of landscape. The artist, in each of his works, shares his love for his native country and its nature with the viewer. For the master, as for a landscape painter, it is very important to be able to convey any state of nature: from a fine summer day to a slushy autumn evening. He observes and sees particular beauty in the stone temple buildings and in the rickety village huts. The freshness of a frosty morning and the dampness of the earth after a rainstorm, he managed to transfer from reality to paintings, using all the possibilities of oil paints.
Spectators will be able to fully enjoy the skill of a young artist whose work was performed in the open air! Khudyakov refers not only to the nature of Russia, the artist perfectly conveys the special, inherent in our country, rural flavor of quiet and modest villages. A separate place in the exposition is occupied by works with the majestic and harsh nature of the Russian north.
The paintings created by Vasily Khudyakov adorn the largest galleries and museums in Russia, including the A.S. State Literary-Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve Pushkin’s “Boldino”, the State Memorial Historical, Art and Natural Museum-Reserve of V. D. Polenov, the Literary and Memorial Museum of Fedor Abramov in Verkol, the Russian Realism Gallery in Moscow. The artist’s works perfectly complement the private collections of Russia, Spain, China, Japan, Germany.
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