Exhibition "Comfort and Reason". Ivan Razumov
Automatic translate
с 26 Января
по 23 ФевраляЦСИ “Винзавод”
4-й Сыромятнический пер., 1/8
The exhibition "Comfort and Razumov" is a joint project of the artist Ivan Razumov and the PPSS art group, consisting of Sonya Stereostyrsky and Pavel Pepperstein. The exhibition is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the disintegration of the USSR.

The classical history of art inspires us with the idea that every time, every period of history, acquires its summarizing visualization in a certain object of art, creating for its time something like a coat of arms or a sign, that is, a certain emblematic incarnation, which is then assigned to a given period as its more or less stable representation.
In this sense, Malevich’s "Black Square" and the portrait of Louis XIV differ from each other no more and no less than the era of French absolutism differs from the era of the pre-revolutionary avant-garde of the early 20th century.
unjustifiably manifest, frankly, sickeningly modernist connotation. In order to get rid of this nausea and declare that we are modest workers of the art workshop, and not some charlatans from the palette, we humbly hang our unpretentious works around these magnificent frames, each of which, obeying a stream of unpredictable circumstances, has a shaky, but an irresistible chance to become an icon of our days and take pride of place inside one of the magnificent frames.
Pavel Pepperstein.
- Kandinsky Prize awarded to Pavel Pepperstein
- In Voronezh, the Platonov Arts Festival opened