Exhibition "Work of the Year 2017"
Automatic translate
с 28 Ноября
по 3 ДекабряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
November 28, 2017 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow (Prechistenka, 21), the annual traditional exhibition organized by the Academy’s Sculpture Department, “Work of the Year. 2017. " Leading sculptors of the country will present their works created this year.
At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, significant changes in the figurative-semantic series, artistic plastic language, and stylistic decisions took place in Russian plastic. The works presented by the members of the Department will help to identify the main directions of development of modern figurative sculpture, the features of shaping, compositional construction, provide an opportunity to consider the variety of figuratively-stylistic solutions of easel plastic works.
The exhibition will include works by A. Tsigal, G. Pravotorov, M. Pereyaslavts, A. Rukavishnikov, S. Milchenko, D. Tugarinov, M. Dronov and other famous contemporary masters of the art of sculpture.
The exhibition runs until December 3, 2017.
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