Exhibition of the project "To Remember ..."
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с 21 Июня
по 4 АвгустаОтдел Сибирского искусства Иркутского областного художественного музея
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
On June 21 at 16.00 a new exhibition of the long-term project “To Remember…” dedicated to the memory of the departed artists of the Baikal region will open at the Gallery of Siberian Art (23 Karl Marx St.). This time, the Irkutsk Art Museum presents the work of seven Irkutsk artists - each of them has a round birthday this year.
The exhibition project “To Remember…” of the Irkutsk Art Museum has existed since 2014 and is dedicated to the memory of Irkutsk artists of different generations who left a bright and significant mark in the fine arts of Siberia and Russia. Thanks to the project’s exhibitions, the general history of the Irkutsk school of painting and its creative evolution is emerging year after year.
In 2019, the 90th anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Alekseev, Arkady Vychugzhanin and Ivan Nesynov, 110 years - to Alexander Rudenko, Vladimir Migaev and Ignatius Boyko, 130 years to Nikolai Andreev. Each of them is a significant figure in the development of fine art.
“The exposition provides an opportunity to see in a new way the most important features of art of the 20-30s of the last century, marked by the search for a new artistic language and reflecting the pathos of the avant-garde post-revolutionary time, as well as to evaluate the achievements of the modern stage of national cultural history of the second half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries,” - notes the curator of the project “To Remember…”, art critic Tamara Dranitsa.
The exhibition will open on June 21 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (K. Marx St., 23) and will run until August 4. Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 33-43-89.
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