Exhibition of one painting "Olesya"
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с 11 Августа
по 15 СентябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
On August 11, an exhibition of one painting "Olesya" based on the work of A. Kuprin will open at the Information and Education Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.

Within the framework of the project "Exhibition of one picture", the work of Vladimir Kireev "Olesya" from the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, dedicated to the work of the same name by the classic of Russian literature Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose 150th anniversary is celebrated this year, is presented to the audience.
More than a century separates these two works of art under the same name "Olesya" A connecting invisible thread of literature and painting, inspiring the creative searches of masters of different times, inspiring them to create their own unique images.
The artistic work of V. Kireev, of course, is not a visual illustration, but to some extent echoes the image of the heroine of the story "Olesya", written by Kuprin at the end of the 19th century.
The viewer sees the touching appearance of a young girl, embarrassed by the attention to her. The image seems to elude prying eyes, as the model is depicted behind the falling thick branches of a tree. The shyness of a simple girl and at the same time the natural inquisitiveness of the mind of the depicted nature fascinates. The artist masterfully notices and conveys the unusual features of a young maiden’s appearance: green glitter of eyes, thick dark hair, a downcast, indirect look - an obsession, a barely perceptible state of the unreal. It seems that the vision will dissolve into thin air, if only to divert attention from it.
The painter captured the fleetingness of being a person who is able to hear and understand nature, merging with it completely.
Vladimir Kireev is an artist of realistic adherence to painting, but his realism consists not only and not so much in the accuracy of the depicted, but rather in deep penetration into the inner essence of things and phenomena of the surrounding world, making the master’s work akin to metaphors and comparisons. Such is the work "Olesya", written by the artist in 2017 and donated to the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
Vladimir Kireev was born in 1984. Lives and works in Moscow. In 2011 he graduated from the Faculty of Historical and Religious Painting of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the International Association of Fine Arts AIAP UNESCO, the winner of the IV All-Russian competition of artworks "From Ancient Rus to New Russia" Moscow, Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh", 2009
Participant of many all-Russian and international exhibitions.
The "Olesya" exhibition of the "One Picture Exhibition" project will run until September 15, 2020.
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