Exhibition "Landscapes of Abstraction"
Automatic translate
с 24 Декабря
по 8 ЯнваряЦентральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
Painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, objects.
The exhibition takes place in the halls: 22, 23, 24, from December 24, 2015 to January 8, 2016.
At the exhibition, diplomas will be issued to the nominees in the categories: graphics, painting, photography, object.
- Vitaly Kopachev, director of the gallery A-3.
- Andrey Volkov, art critic, curator.
- Mikhail Alshibaya, collector, curator.
- Pavlos Arzumanidis, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.
- Natalia Georgadze, curator.
The exhibition "Landscapes of Abstraction" will feature works by American artist Sveta Samson.
Some of the most recent works by the artist Sveta Samson, mainly performed using the Dynamic Carbon technique, will be presented from December 24 at the Central House of Artists, the main exhibition site in Moscow. The selection of works and the curatorial process was carried out by recognized Russian experts in the field of art. The exhibition is aimed at the work of abstract artists in the categories of painting, sculpture, photography and installation. Sveta Samson - winner of numerous awards, lives and works in Los Angeles.
Read Interview with Sveta Samson .
- Jurors Announced Laureates of the International Project – Exhibition “Landscapes of Abstraction”
- Sweet Samson’s “Dynamic Carbon”
- Sveta Samson at the Insight exhibition at the Kashirka Gallery
- Personal exhibition of Yuri Samsonov - an artist painting with mood
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