Exhibition "Burliuk - Burlesque"
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с 4 Ноября
по 9 ДекабряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
The Burliuk-Burlesque exhibition is dedicated to David Burliuk, a talented artist and poet, an outstanding organizer, inspirer, ideologist and producer of the movement of Russian futurists. In 2017, marks the 135th anniversary of the artist’s birth and 50th anniversary of his death.
The art project “Burliuk-Burlesque” continues the traditions of Russian futurism, enters into a dialogue with him, draws him into the field of modern art, builds the connection of times, crosshairs, a synthesis of images and ideas.
The exhibition will feature previously unknown pages of the life and work of the brightest futurist in Russia. The exhibition, in addition to the works of D. Burliuk, documents and materials from the collection of the Mayakovsky Museum and the Institute of World Literature. A. Gorky, will include original works of painting and graphics by contemporary artists and writers. 100 years later, David Burliuk’s paintings, poems and actions are surprisingly modern. They are in full swing, “BURLYAT” real life and real art.
Participants of the exhibition will explore the phenomenon of changing territories and metamorphoses in the artist’s work, present their vision of transformations of the author’s toolkit by David Burliuk, reflect on the Burliuk phenomenon, his work, cementing different times, different territories, different civilizations in their paintings, objects, show dedication books to David - to the poet and artist.
The exhibition includes lectures and creative meetings.
Curator - Mikhail Roshnyak.
The participants:
Mikhail Alshibaya, Margarita Al, Anna Anisimova, Rushaniya Batretdinova, David Burliuk, German Vinogradov, Evgeny Demenok, Vladimir Dzhemesyuk, Evgeny Evtushenko, Andrey Kazilo, Maria Kalmykova and Maxim Protsenko (M + M), Elena Katsyuba, Konstantin Kedrov-Chelishchev, Larisa Kosyakova, Oleg Koshelets, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Anton Laiko, Konstantin Latyshev, George Litichevsky, Diana Mayorova, Kazimir Malevich, Vladimir Martirosov, Kira Matissen, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Yuri Nosov, Alexander Pankin, Alexander Petlyura, Mikhail Pogarsky, Marina Popova, Sergey Potapov, M Ikhail Roshnyak, Alexander Savko, Mikhail Sidlin, Tagir Subkhankulov, Vasil Hannanov, Velemir Khlebnikov, Sergey Chaykun, Natasha & Valera Cherkashin, Evelina Shatz, Alexander Shumov, Vitaliy Elektronoyzov
Exhibition "BURLYUK - BURLESK"
Age requirement 12+
November 4, 2017 - December 9, 2017
State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky
Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky RAS (IMLI RAS)
Gallery "On Kashirka"
Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00
Entrance ticket 100 rub., Preferential 50 rub.
Moscow, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5
- At the exhibition in the Literary Museum you can see drawings of famous poets
- New Year’s adventures in the museum "Where did Chagall fly?" (5-10 years old)
- Exhibition "David Burliuk. A Word to Me!"
- Exhibition "Revolution: distance 100"