Exhibition "Baikal in the works of the classics of Soviet art"
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с 14 Июня
по 21 ИюляОтдел Сибирского искусства Иркутского областного художественного музея
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
June 14 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (ul. Karl Marx, 23) opens the exhibition "Baikal in the works of the classics of Soviet art" - the second part of the large exhibition project "The Sacred Sea of Siberia", implemented by the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev and the Irkutsk branch of the Union of Artists. The exposition allows you to re-look at the traditional ideas and values of the fine art of the Soviet period. The exhibition presents works of painting and graphics created in the period 1930-1980-ies. Twentieth century artists of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk.
The infinitely diverse nature of the Baikal region inspired the masters of various artistic movements of the XX century. These landscapes were painted by many painters, fascinated by outlandish places. A side view of Lake Baikal and its environs is represented by works by masters of painting schools in Moscow (Georgy Nissky, Vladimir Gavrilov, Oleg Tolstoy, Lazar Novitsky) and Leningrad (Vyacheslav Zagonek, Yuri Podlyaskiy).
It is no coincidence that in the art of the region the depiction of nature dominates. For many artists, Baikal serves as a constant source of creative inspiration and an incentive to create new works. Among the names presented at the exhibition are the best representatives of the Irkutsk school of painting. The solemn or lyrical song about love for the native land was embodied in a number of works by older artists: Boris Lebedinsky, Arkady Guterson, Evtey Simonov, Vitaly Rogal, Alexander Rudenko, Vladimir Tomilovsky.
The exhibition features works by prominent Irkutsk graphic artists whose names are familiar to every lover and connoisseur of fine art: Boris Lebedinsky, Anatoly Anosov, Raisa Bardina-Shpirko, Alexandra Madisson. Their work is connected with our region, largely due to the nature and history of the Baikal region.
The exhibition will open on June 14 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (K. Marx St., 23) and will run until July 21. Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 33-43-89.
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