Exhibition by Alexander Nikolaevich Burganov and Larisa Sergeevna Sergeeva 0+
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с 13 Мая
по 13 ИюняКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104

Alexander Nikolaevich Burganov - People’s Artist of Russia, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Doctor of Arts, Professor.
Works in monumental and easel sculpture, graphics, is the author of literary works and numerous scientific articles and monographic studies on the theory of fine arts.
Alexander Burganov is a world-renowned sculptor who made a huge contribution to the development of the national school of monumental sculpture. Its monuments and large monumental ensembles have been installed in the largest cities of Russia and abroad.
Larisa Sergeevna Sergeeva - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, teacher of the highest category, member of: the Union of Designers of Russia, the Association of Art Critics of the Creative Union of Art Historians and Art Critics, Art du Pastel en France, Asociaciones de Pintores Pastelistas Espaoles - ASPAS.
Born in 1946. 1970 Graduate of the Faculty of Applied Arts of the Moscow Textile Institute. Works in the technique of watercolor, pastel, tempera, felt-tip pen, pencil in the genres of still life, landscape, caricature, exposition, sketches of theatrical costume. Has held over forty personal exhibitions, participated in over one hundred and ten collective exhibitions. Works are in museums in Crimea, Russia, Croatia in Algeria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Serbia, Italy, Spain, France, USA, Japan.
- For the anniversary of the national artist Alexander Burganov opened a personal exhibition of his work
- Exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the artist Alexander Burganov in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts
- Academic exhibition project "In the unity of creativity and inspiration"
- "The Impossible Is Possible" Exhibition of works by Alexander Burganov, Maria Burganova, Mikhail Gorshunov and Svetlana Bobrova
- Exhibition "Northern Poems" by artist Vladislav Sergeyev - stages of a biography