"Colorful Zoo". Drawing courses for children 4-6 years old
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с 9 Декабря
по 27 ЯнваряМузей русского импрессионизма
Ленинградский проспект, д. 15, стр. 11

December 9, 16, 23, 30, January 4, 6, 13, 20, 27 11:15 - 12:15
In the art studio of the Museum of Russian Impressionism “Colorful Zoo” we will learn how to work with different materials - from oil pastels to capricious weightless watercolors, master the secret techniques of great artists, create your own paintings and collages. The main characters of our first works will be our favorite animals - we will depict whales, penguins and even deer. Because, by drawing their faces and fur, it is easiest to master the basic painting techniques. Several times we “digress” into still lifes, portraits and landscapes to get acquainted with the main pictorial genres.
November 25. Magical unicorn. We fantasize and draw a brilliant unicorn! We will come up with the most picturesque and magical background, and we will decorate the hero of fairy tales with sparkles. Materials: watercolor, oil pastel, sparkles, glue.
December 2nd. Draw a lace snowflake. Consider what bizarre patterns can decorate snowflakes. We will prepare a watercolor frosty background and draw our snowy beauty on it. Materials: watercolor, oil pastel, gouache.
9th December. On a visit to the reindeer. Consider the slides, get inspired and learn how to draw a beautiful reindeer with branching horns. Surround it with sparkling snow, shrubs. Materials: gouache.
December 16th. Sparkling snow. Consider slides with winter landscapes, come up with your plot and transfer to paper. Add fluffy snow flakes… But what is it? Seems to be starting revenge outside the window! Materials: gouache, watercolor, oil pastel.
December 23rd. Portrait for the snowman. Consider slides with images of snowmen and examples of their clothes. We fantasize and portray our special character. Materials: watercolor, oil pastel, gouache.
December 30th. We draw a New Year’s card. The New Year is already very close, it’s time to draw bright, holiday cards. Consider slides with Christmas toys, elegant coniferous branches, gifts, garlands. Recall your favorite toys and draw them on paper. Materials: gouache, watercolor, oil pastel.
4 January. We draw the northern lights. Consider and be inspired by slides with such a beautiful natural phenomenon as the northern or aurora borealis. We fantasize and add snow-covered trees, hills, a small house, animals. Materials: watercolor, gouache.
6th January. We draw a fluffy fox in a snowy forest. Consider the fluffy fox slides. We will discuss what tail she has, what muzzle, what paws and fur. Move the fox to the winter forest. We will surround it with openwork trees, snowflakes, snowdrifts. Materials: watercolor, gouache.
13th of January. We draw a family of penguins. Consider slides with large penguins and fluffy penguins. Let’s portray our own inhabitants of the Arctic. We’ll come up with a lesson for them. Maybe they are fishing? Or stand clinging to each other. Maybe they jump from ice to ice or dive? Materials: tinted paper, gouache, oil pastel.
January 20th. Draw a magic chameleon in a rainforest. Let’s portray an amazing lizard - a chameleon. Consider what colors it can be, what pattern can appear on their body, examine the twisted tail and large eyes, spikes on the skin. We will invent our own chameleon, depict tropical thickets around it. Materials: watercolor, oil pastel.
January 27th. We draw a peacock with a picturesque tail. Inspired by the slides of one of the most beautiful birds - peacock. Learn to draw a large tail with numerous emerald-turquoise feathers. Materials: watercolor, oil pastel, gouache.
Teacher - artist Ksenia Galitskaya. A graduate of the College of Applied Arts at the Academy. Stroganova. She studied at the British Higher School of Design, the school of modern art "Free workshops" (MMOMA). In 2016, she graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University with a degree in cultural studies. For many years he has been conducting master classes for adults and children of different ages.
Note! All materials are included in the cost of classes.
The duration of one lesson is 1 hour.
Groups are designed for 10 people. One accompanying adult can enter the museum for free. A discount on the “Friend of the Museum” card is available.
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