"Petr Ivanovich Petrovichev" Clear August ""
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с 4 по 23 Июня
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
Until June 23, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., main exhibition) will have an exhibition of one painting, "Pyotr Ivanovich Petrovichev," Clear August "."

Petr Ivanovich Petrovichev (12/18/1874 - 01/04/1947), an outstanding Russian and Soviet painter, a bright representative of the national landscape school of painting. Born in the village of Vysokovo, Rostov district, Yaroslavl province (now Yaroslavl region) in a peasant family. In his youth, he worked in a restoration workshop at the Rostov Museum of Church Antiquities. From 1892 to 1903 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture under I.I. Levitan, K.A. Korovin, V.A. Serova.
In 1903, P.I. Petrovichev graduated from college with a large silver medal and the title of "class artist". Even in the years of study at the school, he began to exhibit as an exhibitor at the exhibitions of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, and in 1911 he became a member. In 1905, P.I. Petrovichev, who combined the traditions of the Russian national school of painting and the impressionistic method in his work, was invited to participate in exhibitions of the Union of Russian Artists, and in 1910 became a member of this association.
In the Soviet period, Petrovichev continued to work a lot. In 1927-1928 he took part in the creation of the society "Consolidation of realist artists." In 1937 - 1943 he taught at the Moscow Art College in memory of 1905. Died P.I. Petrovichev in 1947, was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.
P.I. Petrovichev left a bright mark in the history of Russian and Soviet painting, not only as an outstanding landscape painter, but also as a master of still life and interior painting. Currently, his works are stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and many museums in Russia.
The collection of the Pushkin Museum contains one work of P. I. Petrovichev - “Clear August”, created in 1915. The picture refers to the mature period of the artist’s work, when his painting style developed, based on a free impressionistic brushstroke and a clear drawing of the form.
This small lyrical landscape, which depicts a cottage in the forest on a clear sunny day. The landscape is built on the transitions of green tones from cold shades of the foreground to warmer golden-green in depth. This juxtaposition of shades conveys a sense of sunshine. The red roof serves as a kind of tuning fork to the range of green tones, enhancing their sound. The work was performed by a dense, colorfully saturated brush stroke that is characteristic of the artist, which is a distinctive feature of his picturesque style. Another feature of his works, visible in this small canvas, is the “picture vision” of the world and the direct nature perception, in which the talent of a landscape painter is manifested.
For more information about the life and work of P.I. Petrovichev, see the information "P.I. Petrovichev: life and work. To the 145th birthday of the artist ”in the touch kiosk.
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