Personal exhibition of Sergei Zhilin "Event Horizon"
Automatic translate
с 29 Июля
по 29 АвгустаИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
On July 29, in the main building of the museum (Lenin st., 5), the personal exhibition of Sergei Zhilin "Event Horizon" begins. The exposition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the author and the 360th anniversary of the city of Irkutsk, as well as timed to the year of Baikal, includes paintings that most fully reveal the stages of the artist’s career.
Sergei Zhilin is a striking original artist, whose formation took place in the 80s-90s of the twentieth century, the time of active work of a whole galaxy of young talented artists. Each of his works is an innovative experiment, a study of the possibilities of color and coloristic harmonies. Deep emotional images of solemn and mystical-mysterious Irkutsk appear on the canvases, refreshingly decorative expanses of Baikal landscapes with shamans organically existing in them. A separate topic in Zhilin’s work is the innermost world of man. Portraits, group compositions, numerous and individual "nudes" - they all speak of the artist’s complex, deep relationship to the model.
Sergey Zhilin was born on May 26, 1961 in the village of Ilskiy, Krasnodar Territory. In 1983 he graduated from the art department of the Omsk Institute of Technology with a degree in "Design and Modeling of Products of the Light and Textile Industry", and at his own request was assigned to Irkutsk. Here he organically merged into the seething artistic life of the “Irkutsk school”, adopted the experience of the masters known far beyond the region - Vitaly Smagin, Galina Novikova, were close friends with Boris Desyatkin, Valery Moshkin.
The personal exhibition of Sergei Zhilin "Event Horizon" will work in the main building of the museum (Lenin st., 5) from July 29 to August 29. Telephone for inquiries and booking excursions: 34-01-46. We remind you of the need to observe the mask regime and social distance when visiting the museum.
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