"Island of painting". Exhibition of works by Karina Nazarova
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с 24 Ноября
по 13 ДекабряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
November 24, 2015 at 17. 00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Karina Nazarova "Island of Painting".
The exposition includes more than 70 paintings created in the 1990s - 2015.
Pictures of K. Nazarova with their powerful energy, sharp, sometimes dramatic vision of the world immediately attract the eye, make you think and empathize. She cares about the eternal problems of life, which she embodies with genuine skill in a complex art form. Expression and laconicism of the composition, where there are no superfluous details and everyday details, a dense pictorial smear, sharp broken lines - over the years of Nazarov’s creativity, she developed her own individual style.
In 1973, she graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. Since 1977 - Member of the Union of Artists. Member of numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Works in different genres: compositional picture, portrait, still life.
The artist’s genuine interest is caused by a spiritual theme, only in the last two or three years she has created works full of drama: “The Renunciation of Peter”, “Expulsion from Paradise”, “Rebecca and Jacob”, “Joseph and His Brothers”. They show a passionate obsession with the world of gospel stories, and a desire to understand, survive and rethink from the point of view of modern man. The art critic N. Ivanov writes: “Most of the canvases of spiritual content refer the viewer not so much to the images and plots of the Bible as to the inner world of the author, to the vicissitudes and dramas of the surrounding reality.”
Subtle empathy for his disadvantaged heroes, who found themselves on the sidelines of life, pervades the artist’s paintings: “A Man with a Red Dog”, “Loneliness”, “Longing for a Winter Day”, “Homeless”, “Old Woman at the Station”. Often a character with his scale fills the entire space of the canvas. The ultimate expression of feelings is manifested in the expressive gestures of the heroes, and in the ostentatious facial expressions, and in the nervous space of paintings filled with anxious sensations. The theme of the circus, carnival, and vagrant theater brings a special, piercing note to Nazarova’s work.
Among the artist’s favorite genres are compositional portraits of prominent artists - Van Gogh, El Greco, Giotto, Michelangelo, Vrubel, Coco Chanel, Edith Piaf, who helped to overcome all life’s hardships.
Substantial still lifes of K. Nazarova are intense genre scenes where objects indirectly, through a complex associative series, reflect human relationships and feelings.
According to prof. V. Zhukova, “Nazarova’s painting is an ongoing passionate cycle that reveals the essence of everyone’s life. Passionate, not only when she turns to biblical characters, but also when she writes the bottom of the surrounding life, when she writes about her everyday life, her close characters and heroes… ”
We invite you to the opening of the exhibition and ask you to cover it in your information format.
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