Mikhail Zvyagin. Image transformation
Automatic translate
с 1 Мая
по 3 ИюняТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72

Mikhail Zvyagin will exhibit a series of works, the main idea of which is, no less, in changing the paradigm of the usual perception of iconography. He uses the artistic experience of previous eras as mental material to create his own worlds. The Boards cycle was born under the influence of Russian, Greek, Germanic and Ethiopian icon painting traditions.
Mikhail, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, left for Montenegro, where he worked on this series for three years. The cycle is based on pictorial and graphic techniques of iconography, but with a free storyline. The artist is interested in the idea of "packing" the plot into the format of a board with an ark, as if the viewer looks into the window of a house and sees someone else’s life there. Narrative is here and now, without beginning or end. Thus, the author transfers the romance and mysticism inherent in Bruegel, Durer, Goya and others into our modern world, using a lot of "empty" space, bright colors and abstract modules in conjunction with grotesque painting. “I have tried many ways of creative realization: art forging, interior design, tattooing, graphics, painting, hot enamel. At the moment, only painting and enamel are left,into which I plan to introduce more and more experimentation with plot, color and shape. "
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