Lyusya Voronova. Garden of Eden
Automatic translate
с 6 Ноября
по 27 ЯнваряМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2

Lyusya Voronova is distinguished by a peculiar, always recognizable style and rightfully occupies a special place in the modern artistic environment. The works of this author are full of trepidation and sincerity of open expression, permeated by the unusual expressiveness of simplicity. The artist’s manner is far from stylization - it naturally grows out of decorative and applied art and is close to its nature. As if Lucy Voronova’s painting, fluttered out of murals on trays and shawls painted with paradise flowers, develops according to its internal laws: consonant with the intonation of the folk microcosm and preserving its symbolism, it is filled with new meanings..
The artist’s palette is symbolic: red is life, blue is sky, black is eternity, and ocher is gold. The author’s works are distinguished by pure color, clear contours and an impeccable rhythm. The characters of Lucy Voronova’s paintings are women, flowers, birds, as if immersed in an endless field of life. Each work of the artist is a small story about a person, a visual story filled with a sense of joy.
“I always start with a person,” the artist says about his work. - My first gesture is a person, his condition, meaning. And in each I seek Man. People are very different: it is always space, a riddle, a surprise. You open the veil - and you find behind it a huge world of a small man, and in it - and flowers, and birds, and the fruits of the earth, and children. People with their fates are in my soul, I empathize with them and try to warm them: I settle them in the Garden of Eden, where strange flowers bloom and no one cries. ”
about the author
Lyusya Voronova was born in 1953 in Moscow. She graduated from the art faculty of the Moscow Technological Institute (1978). In 1987 and 1988 became the winner of the "Best Work of the Year" award established by the Moscow Union of Artists. In 2013, Lusia Voronova was awarded the medal of the Order of St. Anne and the bronze medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, “Worthy”. Since 2013 he is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
The author’s works are in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the State Center for Contemporary Art, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, “Well Art Foundation” (New Jersey, USA) and other public and private collections. The exhibition in the Erarta Museum presents works from the private collection of Alexander Voronin.
- “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo
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- Kaliningrad artist Natalia Voronova presented the Summer exhibition at the City Art Museum
- Francisco de Goya and Lucientes (1746-1828)
- Figure: constructive analysis
- Reverse perspective