Bookshelf of Mikhail Bulgakov
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с 10 Января
по 16 Марта“Новое крыло” Дома Гоголя
Никитский бульвар, д.7
The main plot of the exhibition in the art space "New Wing" of the Gogol House is Bulgakov’s awareness of his place among his literary teachers and colleagues. Having become a writer shortly after the revolution that announced the creation of a new literature, and then having worked in it for two decades, ending with the complete formation of all the canons and standards of socialist realism, Bulgakov made the writing theme one of the main ones for himself.

In the early period, in the 1920s, it was the theme of the choice of literary ideals - self-affirmation as a student, successor to the classical tradition: a new world and personal experience of participation in the recent events of the Civil War that contributed to its creation, Bulgakov describes in line with Nikolai Gogol and Leo Tolstoy.
In the 1930s, the literary theme becomes more complex and reflects Bulgakov’s thoughts about his own literary destiny: one of the most characteristic tests will be the play "Alexander Pushkin" ("The Last Days") - a play without Pushkin, about his tragic death.
The exhibition consists of 5 parts. The principle of dividing the material is thematic and chronological. The introduction is a presentation of a number of the most important literary names for Bulgakov, his favorite books, many of which were read in childhood, but continued to influence the writer until the end of his days.
The next three halls - a consistent story about Gogol, Tolstoy and Pushkin - the main literary teachers of Bulgakov, who also became the heroes of his writings.
In the center of the final part is Bulgakov himself (and his autobiographical hero), who continues and literally closes the previously outlined series of writers - at the same time he leaves literature, losing both the right to vote and the audience: his prose of the 1930s is numerous manuscripts, so and did not become books during the life of the writer.
- “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin
- Bulgakov’s "heart of a dog", summary
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