"The Dragon"
Automatic translate
27 Октября
Крымский Государственный ТЮЗ
ул. Бартенева, 1-5
October 27, 7 p.m.
"The Dragon"
Reading plays by E. Schwartz
The play is based on the fabulous plot of the peoples of Southeast Asia about a dragon that cannot be defeated, because the winner turns into a dragon himself, and only a young man with pure thoughts kills a monster. In the play, the people saved by the hero, for the most part, consider life under the rule of the dragon to be completely bearable; they got used to cruelty and oppression, everyone hopes that it will not be worse. Having lost one tyrant, they gladly go under the authority of another. The hero discovers with surprise - in order to free people, to kill a dragon is not enough.
The director of the reading is Sergey Novikov.
REFERENCE: Reading is a separate theater genre that originated in the mid-20th century at the Royal Court Theater in London and, years later, has become a familiar part of the theater process in Europe, America, and over the past 10 years in Russia. Youth Theater "Studio 22" - the adult troupe of ICTI "Golden Key" - the first in the Crimea turned to this genre. In 2016, the reading of Leonid Filatov’s play “About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring young man” (directed by Andrei Permyakov, Honored Art Worker of the ARC) took place. In 2017, the Studio 22 actors continued this tradition and conducted two theatrical readings - plays by the modern Ukrainian playwright Viktor Ponizov, “I Am the Creature” (dir. Sergei Novikov) and plays of the French playwright Claude Fortuno “Learn to drive a car in absentia!” (Dir. Roman Ryzhov), the first has grown into a full-fledged performance for an adult audience and is successfully playing in the permanent repertoire of the theater.
- The tale of Fedot the archer 16+
- Exhibition "Year of the Theater"
- International festival "Earth. Theater. Children"
- Andrei Permyakov: "People who do not accept our aesthetics, our principles, do not stay in our boat"
- "Gooseberry" by Chekhov, a summary
- Crimean Youth Theater was awarded the State Prize