Boris Konstriktor and Andrei Zhukov BEING A HUMAN BEING BEAUTIFUL ...?
Automatic translate
с 17 по 28 Сентября
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
This is a dialogue exhibition, which will present works dedicated to the consciousness of the aesthetic value of man in the space of contemporary art and the world. A question mark in the name was added by one of the participants for reasons of humanistic tolerance. At the opening of the exhibition, it is planned to the extent of shocking performance.
Boris Constrictor / pseudonym B. M. Axelrod; another pseudonym is Boris Vantalov /
Born in 1950 in Leningrad.
Poet, prose writer, artist, essayist, participant in the musical and poetic duet “Biathlon” / together with violinist B. Kipnis /. He was a member of the poets of Malaya Sadovaya. In the 1970s, he was a member of the group of transfurists (Ry Nikonova, S. Siegei, A. Nick). It is published in samizdat and in the magazines “Draft”, “Art of Leningrad”, “Labyrinth-eccentric”, “Khreschatyk”, “FuturumArt” and others.
As an artist, he participated in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Illustrates poetry books, both his own and other authors. One of the directions of creativity is the “book of the artist”.
Andrey Zhukov
Born in 1954 in Leningrad.
Neurologist, culturologist, photographer, performance artist, curator of a number of art projects. Since the 90s, he has taken part in many art events and exhibitions in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Relates his work to the "semantic" branch of modern art.
Author of lecture courses and projects: “Fundamentals of the psychology of perception and image building”, “Tolerance and culture”, “Art and psyche”, “City and personality”, “Person and text / Literary space of the inner“ I ”/”, “Art and disease". Organizer and director of seasonal cultural festival-performances at the Borey Gallery.
- Exhibition "Wandering Stars: Soviet Jewry in Pre-War Art"
- “Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism” by Barry M. Prizant
- “Transcendent Kingdom” by Yaa Gyasi
- "Arrhythmia" by Boris Khlebnikov - a film that gives hope
- The Chamber Stage opens at the Foundry Theater with the play "The Novel in Letters"
- Announced a long list of prizes named after Alexander Pyatigorsky