Asya Susanina. Habitat
Automatic translate
с 4 по 19 Февраля
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
Asya Susanina was born on April 23, 1976 in Yekaterinburg. Everyone in the artist’s family, starting with his great-grandfather, worked as engineers, design engineers at the largest enterprises of that time - Uralmash and the Ural Turbine Plant.
After studying at the Uralmash School of Arts for 4 years, Asya Susanina graduated with honors from the School of Culture, and in 2000 from the Ural State Pedagogical University.
In 2006 she moved to St. Petersburg. She worked as a print designer for about 5 years, but her work schedule did not allow time for painting, so she changed her field of activity. In recent years, he has been working at factories in working professions as an operator, picker, and the like. The works of this period did not suit the author in terms of themes and technique of execution, therefore they were not preserved.
At the Habitat exhibition, Asya Susanina presents works created in 2019 – 2022. In her new works, she tried to reflect the depersonalizing process of information globalization. The world of gadgets and advertising, artificial, comfortable living environment deprives a person of connection with nature; a person loses his spiritual component, becomes a part of a mechanized, computerized process, a cell of a global human network, where he does not and cannot have an individual choice - society decided everything for him.
Participated in two exhibitions of the M. Shemyakin Foundation in 2011 and 2012 - "Monsters and Mythological Plots" and "Hand in Art".
- Salon "At the Old Crossroads" opened the first exhibition of Oleg Vishenkov
- Oleg Lang (1950-2013) "Sum of painting"
- Asya Susanina "Habitat"
- Photo exhibition "AMO-ZIL / URALMASH. Personal"
- Exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the Yekaterinburg watercolor master Boris Semenov opened at the Poklevsky-Cosell House IEC
- Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov (1830-1897)