Anastasia Denisova "The Drawn City" 0+
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с 5 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.
St. Petersburg is not the artist’s hometown. She, like many dreamers, once inspired by the romance of the white nights, came to the cultural capital to continue her art education. Undoubtedly, St. Petersburg receives declarations of love in all creative forms every day, and Anastasia Denisova is no exception. Her affection for our city is reflected in a series of watercolors. The Painted City is Anastasia’s original view of St. Petersburg, the way she sees it through the prism of her artistic perception. A fabulous town, somewhat reminiscent of illustrations in the works of Astrid Lindgren.
“Peter is love at first sight. I chose to move to this city also because it is less hectic than Moscow. Peter is definitely very handsome. Here - interesting, beautiful architecture, many events, rich information background for the artist. But at first I really missed my hometown, its green streets. Nevertheless, when you live somewhere for a long time, you still get used to it. Especially if it is such a quiet, pretty area of the city like Vasilievsky Island. And so, in one of the semesters at the academy, I, inspired by the works of different artists, wanted to paint this city. By that time, I had already wandered in various courtyards. St. Petersburg is, of course, romance, space, history. In my works I wanted to show him cozy, so “drawn”, not ceremonial. I wanted the sheets to have liveliness,I wanted to draw the texture - peeling plaster, old brick, rust, crooked pipes… The series began to grow. I wanted to keep working, as a lot of material had accumulated and new ideas continued to appear. As a result, a whole exhibition has emerged from this series, which I am very happy about, ”says Anastasia
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