Combined type office partitions. Why are they needed and what are their capabilities?
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In modern interior design, it is customary to use office partitions extremely efficiently and with maximum benefit, taking into account all the good that both the properties of the materials used and the design capabilities of the dividers can provide. When decorating a room with them, you should think not only about carrying out comfortable and competent zoning, that is, about their performance of the utilitarian functions assigned to them, but also about the additional advantages of systems such as office partitions. In this regard, of course, dividers made from combinations of inherently different materials look especially interesting, and today we will talk about them in more detail.
Types of material combinations in the installation of combined type office partitions
First of all, it is worth noting that the combination of materials in this type of structure can pursue two different goals, or even combine them within one product. These are aesthetic and practical effects. The first in its original meaning simply means that in the production of office partitions, materials are selected that enhance the appearance of each other, emphasizing their effectiveness and stylish execution by their proximity. Connecting the second option is much more interesting, since in this case the ordered office partitions are not only beautiful, but also have a much larger set of positive practical qualities. As a rule, such a combination lies in the plane of proximity of transparent and opaque materials, in the required proportion and placement geometry.
What can combination separators provide in practice?
If there is not enough light in the rooms adjacent to the separated office partitions installed, the problem can be eliminated by using partially transparent structures, for example, equipped with peculiar “windows” in the upper or middle part, or other cutouts decorated with glass. Also, the combination of solid and transparent parts is good when the situation in an office or room needs increased privacy, improved thermal insulation, then the lower part of the ordered office partitions, covering, for example, a sitting person, what is happening on his computer monitor, on the table, is selected from MDF, gypsum vinyl, and other materials similar in their properties.