Youth Theater Festival "Mikhailovskoye 2016" completed the theater from Izhevsk "Young Man"
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PSKOV. The last applause of the anniversary Pushkin poetry festival, held this year in the museum-reserve for the fiftieth time, has died down. Together with the poetry forum, the festival of youth theaters, which took place as part of the Pushkin holiday, ended. This year, artists of youth theaters come to the museum-reserve only for the second time, but the festival, which this time received the name "Mikhailovskoye 2016", has already become quite popular.
If last year six youth groups came to Mikhailovsky to participate in a theater festival, then there were already twelve of them in Mikhailovsky 2016. Most of the festival performances took place in the cultural center of the Reserve, but the performance staged by artists from Estonia (Russian Theater School) based on Eugene Onegin took place in the Green lounge of the Trigorskoye Estate Museum. Some performances of the festival program took place on Mikhailovsky’s “Poetic Glade”.
The final performance of the festival was the work of the artists of the Izhevsk Theater "Young Man". Izhevsk artists repeatedly came to Mikhailovskoye, where they took part in performances held at the Poetic Glade. However, they presented the traditional performance, which is part of the repertoire of their theater, for the first time.
The choice of the play "Forever, Forever", staged by Eugene Stolov, the main director of the Izhevsk Theater, was not accidental. Since the theater festival was held as part of the Pushkin holiday, the performance, although our contemporaries are its heroes, Pushkin is also present, although the poet does not appear on the stage.
The play was also attended by the author of the play presented by Izhevsk artists - prose writer and playwright Ksenia Dragunskaya.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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