For the first time on the Russian stage, Sergei Zhenovach presented the play "Kira Sergeevna" based on the prose of Victor Nekrasov
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MOSCOW. “Theater Art Studio” on May 15 presented the premiere of the play staged by Sergei Zhenovach, artistic director of the theater. The play was based on the prose of Victor Nekrasov - the novel “Kira Sergeevna”. Earlier, the play on this story was not yet on the Russian stage. The performance is on the Small Stage, which is due to the requirements of the genre, designated by the director as “frank conversations”.
A performance in this genre is already in the theater’s repertoire. It used the prose of Andrei Platonov. The Potudan River has been successfully on the Small Stage for five years now. The play "Kira Sergeevna" "Theatrical art studio" continues to search for new opportunities to use the Small Stage.
In a conversation with reporters, Sergei Zhenovach noted the difference between his new directorial work and the performance based on Platonov’s prose. If in “Potudan River” the audience only watched the performance of the performance telling a love story, then in “Kira Sergeyevna” they became his accomplices.
The play employs five artists. Four of them are graduates of the workshop of Sergei Zhenovach in GITIS, and the fifth, Sergei Kachanov, is a classmate of the director. Sergei Zhenovach himself calls the composition of the participants of the performance an interesting and curious ensemble of different generations. The stage designer was Alexander Borovsky, a regular participant in the sti production team.
Sergei Zhenovach says that work on the play “Kira Sergeevna” began thanks to Alexander Borovsky. The director has long had a desire to turn to Victor Nekrasov’s prose, and Alexander Borovsky reminded him of the existence of a story that Zhenovach had not read before. As soon as the director read “Kira Sergeevna”, he immediately began to write her dramatization, and then work began on the production of the play.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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