"Teacher" instead of a social science lesson. Fix errors before it’s too late
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MOSCOW. The picture "Teacher" was released. Frank conversation at gunpoint.
"Teacher" is not the first hard film about the school. The episode Guy Germanicus, which does not at all resemble the Soviet-style films with the problems sucked from a finger, has not yet been erased from the memory. The only exception is perhaps the "Scarecrow." This is not the first time that the role of a teacher has been played by the wonderful actress Irina Kupchenko. It is enough to recall Averbach’s “Foreign Letters”, a psychological drama about schoolchildren of a different generation and ethical problems of a completely different order. For her role in Uchilka, Kupchenko was awarded the Grand Prix at the last Vyborg festival Window to Europe. The involuntary analogies with Lilienfeld’s “Lesson Lesson” are nothing more than a manifestation of a collective unconscious that throws up urgent topics.
The shocking situation shown in the film is only a hypothetically possible part of the iceberg called school. And the reason for showing instead of any of the lessons of social science, followed by a partial discussion. A conversation could be equally useful for each of the parties involved in the pedagogical process, in the search for mutual understanding. Suspended by gadgets and not burdened with the ability to empathize, schoolchildren could discern living people in their teachers, rather than walking functions. Teachers and their superiors (up to the most authoritative) would suddenly be struck by the fact that in overworked efforts to introduce someone else’s education format, with blood taking root on one sixth of the land, they forget about the essentials. The fact that there is practically no time left to educate the soul. About how important it is not only to fill the immature heads with all kinds of information, but also to captivate, awaken the dormant abilities in each, without leaving time for stupidity. The importance and prospects of a sincere conversation is evidenced by the changes that have occurred with adolescents who took part in the filming of the film. From self-confidence to compassion, from indifference to responsibility.
Is a pistol a convincing argument in a conversation with a bewildered class and the best way to solve your own problems? "Teacher" will show.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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