In Sevastopol are touring the Yaroslavl Theater. Fedor Volkov
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SEVASTOPOL. In the theater to them. Lunacharsky May 17, the first meeting of spectators with the oldest Russian theater arrived on tour - the drama named after Volkova from Yaroslavl. The Volkov Theater has been to Sevastopol more than once, but every new tour of Yaroslavl artists gives the theater-goers the opportunity to see new aspects of their multifaceted talents.
This time the audience will again have to get acquainted with the best performances of the theater from Yaroslavl. Four performances taken by the Volkovsky Theater on a tour, represent different theatrical genres, staged in various forms. However, each of them is equally spectacular and fully corresponds to the high level of the artistic process characteristic of the theater. Volkova. Three performances are directed by Eugene Maricelli.
The performance “Untitled” staged by Eugene Maricelli based on Chekhov’s play opened the tour program. In 2014, this production of the theater’s chief director was nominated for the Golden Mask Award. The guests of the theater were welcomed by representatives of the administration of Sevastopol and the leaders of the theater. Lunacharsky.
Everyone present at the first tour of the show was able to see how the artists worked to create this production. Before its start, the guests showed a short film, which included not only staged episodes, but also the ceremony of rewarding the performance with the main theater award - “Golden Mask”.
The next performance presented to Sevastopol residents will be “Thunderstorm” in the stage reading of the young director Denis Azarov. He will be shown on May 19th. Then the audience will see two more performances created by Eugene Maricelli - “The House of Bernarda Alba” based on the work of F. G. Lorca, as well as “The Man and the Gentleman”, the famous comedy by E. de Filippo.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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