"The implacable rock car has reached me." The fate of the son of a brilliant poet
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MOSCOW. The publishing house AST published diaries, poems and stories of the son of Marina Tsvetaeva.
The publication of the first and second parts of the diaries of George Efron (“Notes of the Parisian” in 2018, and the year before that - “Unknown Future”) is a big event. Restoration of justice, an attempt to approach the truth. The debunking of myths, of which many have accumulated over the past decades. The frank story of an eyewitness and participant in the tragic events: "I have an important witness - a son." The publication of diaries was only possible in the 21st century, 20 years after the death of Ariadne Efron, who imposed a ban on their publication.
The fate of a genius is a path strewn with by no means roses, but spikes and broken glass. There are even more myths along the way. Regarding both Marina Ivanovna herself and all her relatives. First of all, this concerned Moore, the nature of the relationship of which with her mother was even attributed to an incestuous background.
Everyone was struck by the fatal outward resemblance of the mother to her youngest son, because of which Sergey Efron named him once as Marina Tsvetaev. In the memoirs of some, he appears as an outstanding personality with a complex fate and the makings of a genius. In the stories of others - almost a monster, the hard-hearted Wilde Star Boy, the only culprit in the death of his mother. Truth usually lies somewhere in between.
Marina Ivanovna herself refused her beloved son the ability to empathize and subtly feel. “Strong and smart. A soul? Where? When?". Anatoly Moshkovsky, a classmate of George at the Literary Institute, learning about the death of Tsvetaeva, was struck by the absence and shadow of suffering on Efron’s face. His other classmate, Vadim Sikorsky, whose family sheltered Mura in Yelabuga after the suicide of his mother, condemned him for his lack of interest in her work and attempts to prevent the tragedy. One of the rebukes also related to Moore’s reaction, who believed that the mother had no other choice. To the fact that he was not at the funeral, although Marina Ivanovna foresaw this: "Moore will not go to my grave."
However, before Nora Lapidus, with whom he became especially close during his studies, he allowed himself to open his soul a little more. He felt guilty that he did not turn his mother’s shoulder in difficult moments, when she rushed about in search of work and money. That his coldness and callousness were the result of strong emotions due to the romantic hobbies of his mother, resentment for his father.
In one of his letters, he confessed to how he experienced the collapse of the family, the lack of mutual understanding between parents, between mother and sister Ariadne. He talked about the desperate attempts of self-identification against the backdrop of the collapse of the relations of close people, uncertainty about tomorrow. "No one, in our letters rummaging, understood to the depth…".
Moving to the USSR, which had considerable hopes, did not save from a sense of decay and impending misfortune. Gradual awareness of the alienness of the realities surrounding him, the dream of returning to France. A feeling of total loneliness, outcast after the arrest of his sister and father, despite the absence of a clear negative from others. Hence the cry of the soul: “May they not ask kindness from me. My whole life has been designed to make me an egoist. ”
Love for the mother erupts in intercession for her in front of the quarrelsome neighbors in a communal apartment. In accepting her side and trying to console her in times of conflict with her father and sister. Victoria Schweitzer, biographer of Tsvetaeva, considers Moore’s accusations of self-centeredness and bad character to a large extent a fallacy. A husk who hides the true face of a gifted person who has not had time to reveal his potential due to early death.
If George Efron weren’t killed in his first battle on July 7, 1944, he would realize his dreams of literary activity. He would become a famous writer or a brilliant translator, like his best friend Dmitry Sezeman. The latter managed to survive in a meat grinder of fate, despite all the trials. Shooting of parents who shared the fate of many “returnees, stay in the Gulag, front. Like Cezeman, who had kept the smell of the Paris subway for 40 years, Moore would certainly have returned to France.
In the Notes of the Parisian, prose experiments, verses by George Efron, and his drawings were first published.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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