The results of the third season of the award "Theater Novel"
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MOSCOW. The laureates of the “Theater Novel” award have been named.
“The whole world is a theater. There are women in it, men are all actors, ”said Shakespeare four hundred years ago. That is why the appearance of a literary prize awarded for works about the theater is a logical and long-awaited event. In 2014, the Bakhrushin Theater Museum became its founder. In his collection are several hundred thousand relics. Stage costumes, sketches, theater archives, posters, photographs. The award has no analogues. Awarded to authors writing about the theater, creative organizations and publishers who successfully work in this field and draw the attention of readers to high-quality and highly artistic literature. The need for such publications is huge, as is the interest in them, not only among professionals, but also among ordinary Melpomene fans. The jury, chaired by Konstantin Raikin and with the participation of the director of the Bakhrushin Museum Dmitry Rodionov, selected the best of the works that reached the final.
The prize was awarded to the theater historian, professor of the Moscow Art Theater, theater critic Inna Solovyova for the book “First Studio. The second Moscow Art Theater. From the practice of theatrical ideas of the twentieth century. " Her heroes were people who determined the vector of the theater’s development in the 20th century - Mikhail Chekhov, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Evgeny Vakhtangov. Doctor of Art History Sergey Cherkassky in his work “Actor’s Skill. Stanislavsky - Boleslavsky - Strasberg. Story. Theory. Practice ”investigated the influence of the revolutionary ideas of the reformer of the Russian theater on the work of such Western directors and teachers as Richard Boleslavsky (Ryszard Bolesławski) and Lee Strasberg. The prize was received by the book of the professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts Irina Tsimbal “Sergey Tsimbal. Islands in the ocean of memory. " Warm memories of his father, a famous theater critic, a friend of Georgy Tovstonogov, a colleague of Nikolai Akimov.
“Theater novel” was awarded to the compiler of the book “Conversations about the profession” by Tovstonogov and Katzman Larisa Gracheva and the theater historian, art critic Viktor Berezkin (posthumous) for the two-volume “The Art of Scenography of the World Theater”. The jury awarded the book “Conversations about the National Theater”, directed by Valery Fokin, dedicated to the history of Aleksandrinka, and Marina Svetaeva for editing the 5th volume of “Diaries of the Director of the Imperial Theaters” Vladimir Telyakovsky.
Elena Tanakova ©
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