The publication of the book of Daniel Granin "My Lieutenant" with illustrations by Alexander Traugot. A war we don’t know about
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ST. PETERSBURG. On October 6, a creative evening of writer Daniil Granin and artist Alexander Traugot took place, dedicated to the re-release of the novel “My Lieutenant”.
They were united by joint work and a common past, in which the blockade, pain, losses and hardships of the war years. Daniil Granin was among the defenders of besieged Leningrad, Traugot - from among the boys who survived the famine and shelling.
The paradoxical reluctance of many front-line soldiers to talk about real military everyday life is explained simply. These memories are difficult and bear little resemblance to the plots of cheers-patriotic films with generous father-generals and wise political instructors. The real truth was uncomfortable, not always appealing and haunted. Granin without politically correct reverence honestly talks about the inconceivable price that had to be paid for the victory. About the "butchers" who, for the sake of victorious reports and the approval of their superiors, were ready to take huge casualties where they could have been avoided.
Subtle watercolor illustrations of Traugot turned out to be surprisingly appropriate for narration on behalf of a young lieutenant, who gradually learns about the brutal unsightlyness of the war. About fear, turning into a trembling creature and smelling of urine, about unbearable hunger and cut off limbs. About how those who went on the attack from the trenches filled with water and despite everything won wondered how they felt.
And a very important observation that laughter is contraindicated in fear. It is saving for our time, too, when the number of people in uniform on the screen - in real chronicles and opportunistic remake - just rolls over. An incredible story told by Zoshchenko about our and German reconnaissance, accidentally colliding on a forest road and jumping a ditch on its different sides. One of the Germans, mistakenly jumping the wrong way, in fright, made an impossible jump in a normal situation, finding himself in the blink of an eye next to his compatriots. And then there was the laughter and impossibility of a shot at those who had just experienced with you an ordinary and very positive human emotion.
The hope that such a story is possible in our explosive time dies last. Laugh, see yesterday’s friend in the enemy, start a new countdown towards the world. And to begin with, read a book about what war really is.
Elena Tanakova ©
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