Zurab Tsereteli gave the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum a high relief of Andrei Voznesensky
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VLADIMIR. On December 2, a creative evening of the famous painter and sculptor Zurab Tsereteli was held in one of the exhibition halls of the Vladimir Chambers. The meeting of the master with the Vladimirites was dedicated to the poet Andrei Voznesensky, a man who was a close friend to Zurab Tsereteli.
The reason for this meeting was two dates, one of which 55 years ago was a real holiday for Andrey Voznesensky - the first book of poetry, “Mosaic”, was published in Vladimir. The second date is sad. The poet passed away five years ago. Zurab Tsereteli calls the death of Ascension his personal loss.
This is not the first time that a world-famous master has visited Vladimir. His solo exhibitions were held several times in the city. The last of them, residents of Vladimir saw in October last year. Then Tsereteli brought 79 of his works. The basis of the exhibition was artistic enamels, and they were complemented by graphic and sculptural works.
In 2009, a magnificent gift from Tsereteli was received by Suzdal. Especially for the entrance to the tomb of Pozharsky, the master made bronze gates. The master came to a new meeting with Vladimir with a gift.
Now in the exposition of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum you can see the bronze high relief of Andrey Voznesensky created by Tsereteli. This work of the sculptor represents the series "My Contemporaries". The sculptural portrait of his friend Tsereteli created during the life of the poet. Andrei Andreyevich really liked the work of the sculptor.
Before the meeting, Zurab Tsereteli held a master class for students of the art studio at the museum. The result of the master class was a magnificent still life with yellow sunflowers, which became another gift to the museum from Tsereteli. The same still lifes were written by each of the participants in the master class.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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