Sevastopol artist Sergey Berlov celebrated his fiftieth birthday with a personal exhibition
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SEVASTOPOL. The fiftieth anniversary for the creative person is not a date for summing up the final results of creative activity - this is the opinion of the Sevastopol artist Sergey Berlov, who celebrates his 50th anniversary with a personal exhibition in the Central Exhibition Hall of Artists of Sevastopol. The artist speaks of the exhibition that has opened for the anniversary, as yet another stage of the creative path, important for himself, important for those who appreciate his talent.
The works presented in the exhibition, the artist selected himself. The exhibition presents works written in oil, which is Sergey Berlov’s favorite material. The painter works in different techniques, but relates to oil painting in a special way. Before visitors posted about two dozen paintings written since 2000.
Sergey Berlov selected the best of the works created for 15 years of active creativity for the exhibition. Most of them were written from nature using such a "rich" genre as impressionism, in which the artist focuses on the present moment, while at the same time making it go away, slipping away. Thus, the surrounding world, coming to life on the canvases of the artist, is in motion.
Subject canvases written on historical materials significantly differ in the manner of execution. Events recreated on them require concreteness in their image. Therefore, all objects present on the canvas correspond to the era, for their accurate reproduction, the author used reliable sources.
One of the favorite topics that the artist often addresses is seascapes. Among the paintings included in the exhibition, many species of the Black Sea are represented. Sergey Berlov depicts him alive, and his depth and coastal shallows are visible in the paintings.
The exhibition is open until the first days of June.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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