Retrospective of painting by Viktor Popkov at the Academy of Arts
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MOSCOW. “Victor Popkov. 1932-1974 ”- this was succinctly called the large-scale retrospective exhibition of the artist, which opened at the Russian Academy of Arts, which became the only Russian to receive the Grand Prix in Paris at the World Biennale in 1967.
The initiator of the exhibition was the collector Andrei Filatov, who heads the Art Fund of the Filatov family. Viktor Popkov’s exhibition, which opened in the capital, representing the most significant, in their opinion, works of the artist representing the art of the sixties, selected by the organizers, will be shown in London next summer, and then will move to Venice.
This is the first representative of the style of socialist realism, awarded a personal exhibition in such a prestigious place as the Somerset House visual arts center, located in London. In Europe, almost all the works that make up the exposition of the Moscow exhibition will be presented; in Venice, the display of the works of Victor Popkov will be supplemented by a scientific conference covering Soviet art of the 60s.
The organizers of the exhibition (Russian Academy of Arts, ROSIZO Museum and Exhibition Center and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation) included in it both the artist’s works well known to the public and presented for the first time. Visitors to the exhibition will get acquainted with Viktor Popkov’s latest work, Autumn Rains. Pushkin ”, which was not completed by the artist because of his tragic death.
For the first time in a single exhibition space will be three canvases combined in a triptych - scenes from the time of Stalin’s repressions. Three more paintings represent the Mezen Widows series, a dedication to World War II. The pictures are not placed in chronological order, but taking into account the subject of the works.
The exhibition is open until January 26th.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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