In honor of the anniversary of the Academy of Arts, the exhibition "Steps of Excellence" has opened
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ST. PETERSBURG. Within the walls of the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", in the presence of the national artist I. Glazunov and the governor of the city G. Poltavchenko, on March 1, a large-scale exhibition of young artists, called "Steps of Excellence", was solemnly opened.
The opening exhibition is dedicated to an important date in the history of Russian culture - Ilya Glazunov Academy of Painting turned 25 years old. Among the Russian educational institutions that teach their students the basics of painting, sculpture and architecture, the Academy of Ilya Glazunov is the only one that uses the classical study system developed in the walls of the Imperial Academy of Arts in working with its students.
All the years the Academy has existed, its permanent rector is Ilya Glazunov, who became the founder of this educational institution 25 years ago. The building in which the Academy is located was also chosen by the national artist himself. The choice was not accidental, because it was in these rooms, even in pre-revolutionary times, that the School of Painting was located, where many great Russian artists whose names are now known all over the world received professional education.
The exposition of the exhibition included 700 works of students of the Academy, awarded storage in the Museum of the Academy. For works, including academic drawings, compositions and copies from the originals of famous paintings, visitors to the exhibition will be able to get acquainted with all the stages of training at the Academy.
The exhibition also includes the graduation works of graduates of the faculty of painting, the faculty of restoration, which presented copies of icons made using the traditional technique of icon painting - egg tempera, as well as the graduation works of graduates of the architectural faculty with projects for the restoration of historical complexes.
The exhibition will be open until April 3rd.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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